Comments on Profile Post by littlekiwi

  1. norton94
    Agree - I've been scrapping a lot more from years ago
    Oct 25, 2020
    Tree City likes this.
  2. Tree City
    Tree City
    Yup, most of us are. I've rarely left home since March...and I assume that (unfortunately) is probably the same for many of us who have the privilege of being able to stay home. Around here, numbers are higher than in the spring, so we're quite housebound. Thank goodness for Vote by Mail!
    Oct 26, 2020
    littlekiwi likes this.
  3. littlekiwi
    @Tree City in my case it’s not COVID causing me to be pretty housebound, it’s my health issues. We are lucky that we are in our new normal as far as restrictions go.
    Oct 26, 2020
    Tree City likes this.
  4. Tree City
    Tree City
    Hopefully you find things you like to photograph, or perhaps you could do a lot of journaling on pages. It's what I've started to do and I find it therapeutic. And we all need something therapeutic right now, at least here in the US. Perhaps some scrap therapy would help you, too? Because the reason we're home is different, but the resultant feelings may be similar.
    Oct 26, 2020