
Read & Escape

Read & Escape
gonewiththewind, Jan 24, 2016
MOC4 Challenge 9

Bookholic by Little Butterfly Wings and Studio Basic
Font is Traveling Typewriter

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When I was in 5th grade, our tv got struck by lightning. I started reading to pass thetime and became completely addicted. I wasnever without a book, and started reading faster and faster. In 7th grade, I made apoor grade in math, and my mother tried a few different punishments, including taking away tv and phone priveleges. Nothing worked to get my attention, until she put me on reading restriction. It was a horror of atime in my life. Seriously. I was always upset and crying because I missed books so terribly. Somewhere in the middle of all that emotion, books became the thing that soothed me. Books were constants. The words never changed. I could escape into a book and know that the story was always going to be the same. There was great comfort in knowing that. I read every single day, but the times when I’m verystressed or upset about something, I notice that my reading time increases dramatically. It’s the best therapy I’ve ever found to help me get out of my own head and relax.Journaling 1/21/16 Cheryl
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