Comments on Profile Post by bbymks5

  1. MrsPeel
    and will I be able to sleep dreaming on THAT????????? now I need to go to my kitchen.....!!!!! LOL
    Jan 18, 2018
    bbymks5 likes this.
  2. bbymks5
    @MrsPeel I just wish I could have a REAL biscotti and not just a flavored coffee LOL!!
    Jan 18, 2018
  3. bbymks5
    @MrsPeel I'm sad to report, the Candy Cane Crunch flavor is a miss, BUT the German Chocolate Cake one is good.
    Jan 19, 2018
    MrsPeel likes this.
  4. MrsPeel
    not sure we have those here, but sounds delicious!!!! I'm in agony now that I need to go for the proper diabetic diet .. :(
    Jan 20, 2018
    bbymks5 likes this.
  5. bbymks5
    Oh's not easy changing the way we eat! My MIL had diabetes, but she still drank her coffee, but used sugar free creamers, is that an option for you at all? I put butter or coconut oil with a little bit of heavy cream since they're almost carb free.
    Jan 20, 2018
    MrsPeel likes this.
  6. MrsPeel
    when I first went to the diabetic nutritionist in 2012, she said the sugar free products act exactly the same as proper sugars, so better have proper brown sugar but keep it to a minimum. I'm now taking away all at least for 2 months!
    Jan 20, 2018