Comments on Profile Post by KatrinaHunt13

  1. MrsPeel
    templates? pinterest? would you like some photos of mine? would LOVE to have something made by you!!!!! <3
    Aug 1, 2017
    KatrinaHunt13 likes this.
  2. londoncuppa
    It's no fun when inspiration escapes us. Just remember that it's TEMPORARY! Look at your past creations and see how awesome you are. Your tea towel was great, AND you got blog recognition for it, so you still have your mojo in there!!! {hugs}
    Aug 1, 2017
    KatrinaHunt13 likes this.
  3. tkradtke
    That was me, all last month. Hoping it was just a "July thing" and I'll be back in business now that it's August :-) Hoping the same for you!!
    Aug 1, 2017
    KatrinaHunt13 likes this.
  4. keepscrappin
    I'm having the same problem... no mojo for anything - scrappin, home, summer... you name it. If you find your mojo, send me some... hehe!
    Aug 1, 2017
    KatrinaHunt13 likes this.