Downloading Kits to an iPad

Discussion in 'Help Pad' started by NancyBeck, Nov 21, 2017.

  1. NancyBeck

    NancyBeck Happy resident of Pollyville

    Jan 26, 2014
    Hi everyone,

    I wonder if you can help with with a question from a customer in CS? Can kits be downloaded directly to an iPad?
  2. londoncuppa

    londoncuppa I like rain, England ... and big words

    Nov 21, 2014
    This doesn't directly answer your question, Nancy, but it may help with your inquiry.

    I think the easiest way to handle scrapping kits on an iPad (or your phone) is to download them to a service such as Dropbox. I really don't mobile scrap anymore but when I was using the Project Life app, I would use the Dropbox app (which is available for the iPad), and browse my stash that way. When I found what I wanted, I would download the items to my device from the cloud via the app.

    When I was done with the item, I would delete it. This method prevents having limited hard drive space used up by digital assets, which can be very large files. Hope that helps.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2017
    bestcee and bellbird like this.
  3. NancyBeck

    NancyBeck Happy resident of Pollyville

    Jan 26, 2014
    That sounds like awesome advice to me! Thanks for your input, Margaret!
    bellbird and londoncuppa like this.
  4. londoncuppa

    londoncuppa I like rain, England ... and big words

    Nov 21, 2014
    Glad to help, Nancy!
    bellbird likes this.
  5. bellbird

    bellbird Pollywog

    Oct 10, 2010
    Glad you got an answer! I'm like "how do u scrap on a phone or iPad when there's no mouse?!" PL makes more sense & I like the Dropbox idea so good one Margaret!:agree
    londoncuppa likes this.
  6. bestcee

    bestcee In love with places I've never been to

    Dec 18, 2013
    You can download directly to the ipad if you have a program that will unzip on the iPad. I know that when @klee73010 was app scrapping it was much much easier to do the Dropbox way that Margaret posted above.
    londoncuppa likes this.
  7. klee73010

    klee73010 I might have a thing for drummers

    Apr 25, 2015
    I always download to my computer, then move to a cloud based option.

    There was one time I downloaded directly to my phone. It was one of Kate's packs and I was trying to meet a deadline. Haha. But my android did allow me to unzip the file once it was downloaded to my phone. I just have to go to "my files" and follow prompts. It is certainly not my preferred method.

    If you have time, I also prefer doing the shadowing of elements on the computer before saving them to the cloud option. I am able to shadow things on my phone, but it is tedious, and I like layers. So... it is faster to do that ahead of time. For me.
    bestcee likes this.
  8. NancyBeck

    NancyBeck Happy resident of Pollyville

    Jan 26, 2014
    @klee, @bestcee, @londoncuppa,

    Thank you all so much for your help!!! It looks like there is some really useful information here.
    bestcee and londoncuppa like this.

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