Pad Patter: 2/16 - Bedtime

Discussion in 'Chatty Pad' started by Angie4b1g, Feb 16, 2015.

  1. Angie4b1g

    Angie4b1g A hundred jobs but Bob Villa ain't one

    Feb 25, 2011
    What time do you go to bed? I swear I go earlier and earlier. Like 9. But I don't usually go to sleep until 10 or 11. I just like the quiet time, I guess?

    Plus, I wake up at 6 no matter what. Which is highly annoying as my alarm is set for 6:45. :tantrum
  2. mrs2a50

    mrs2a50 Pretty much the best.ever.

    Apr 12, 2007
    9:30 or 9:45. But I'm up at 4:30 or 5:00. And typically I'm asleep on the couch before I even go to bed.
  3. jaye

    jaye My other car is a Zamboni!

    May 6, 2012
    11 or 12 on a weeknight and am up at 6. However with Finn I am usually up,at 4-4:30 and then back to bed until my alarm at 6.
  4. jk703

    jk703 CEO of Anything and Everything, Everywhere

    Sep 17, 2012
    I'm a night owl with a bit of insomnia thrown in. I am "forced" to get up early and go to work so I can meet my kids at the school bus! I go to bed pry around 11, sometimes (ok, pry more than I should) 11:30, and occasionally 12..... I get up around 5:30-5:45 or so. I have to be at work by 7 to leave at 3:30.

    I relish the weekends to sleep until 8, if we have no prior sports or plans. My boys are wonderful, and let me sleep. It truly makes the day perfect and me a happier mom/person.

    I wouldn't change it though... I love meeting my boys off the bus/after school. It makes me a happier mom/person too!
  5. jenn mccabe

    jenn mccabe She's OUR sunshine!

    Jan 5, 2013
    i was just thinking about this ... i am the same. i'm often in bed around 9:30pm (but usually it takes me an hour to actually fall asleep) and i think its' bc I have to get up at 5:30am. it's weird to me that my kids now stay up later than me.
  6. NancyBeck

    NancyBeck Happy resident of Pollyville

    Jan 26, 2014
    Most nights I go up around the same time the kids do, but that's only because I like some quiet time by myself. I have a tv in my room, but most nights I read for quite some time before I go to sleep. It's not unusual to also wake up during the night to go to the bathroom and have to read myself back to sleep again, for some reason, Mother nature thinks that is her opening to send a hot flash, lol!
  7. mlewis

    mlewis mlewis

    Nov 18, 2009
    I used to stay up late, but now that I'm not only back to working (with a wake time of 5:15) plus back in a chemo regimen, I find myself taking meds and heading to bed about 9ish.
  8. bderby

    bderby No, I will not tell you what "merde" means!

    Jul 11, 2009
    Weekend nights, I have tended to stay up later, scrapping and stuff. But on weekdays when I have a pretty early wake up (5:15ish), I try to be in bed by 9:30-9:45 and watch a little bit of tv to relax and be off to sleep. If I can be asleep by 10:30-11:00, it counts as a good night for me.
  9. lmccandless

    lmccandless The Force is strong with this one. Boss of the Applesauce

    Mar 9, 2009
    Night owl here. Bedtime is somewhere between 11 pm and 2 am depending on what I'm into. We get up about 7ish.
  10. Jen

    Jen I believe in patterns & conspiracies!

    Jan 1, 2013
    Usually at 11:00 is when I go to bed. I seem to wake up around 7am on my own...but will sneak in a little more sleep if I don't have to get up.
  11. JillW

    JillW I love lavend ... zzzzzz ...

    Mar 1, 2013
    My "normal" work hours are 2PM until midnight-ish - (during OT though, I am at work until 1:30AM-ish). I have always struggled with sleep, but more so as of late (I'm a shift supervisor - and our temporary work force has increased to 60+ over the past few months) there's no way I can go home and go right to sleep! - I usually try to be in bed by 1:30 (when not working OT) - I usually wake up between 8 and 8:30. Two years ago I caved and went to my doctor because I was so sick of not sleeping. Now I take prescribed sleeping pills every night - and some nights even they do not do any good. (Meaning I can eek out about 3 hours of sleep if I'm lucky).
  12. kelley

    kelley Gets excited over little green things.

    Jan 25, 2012
    I have bad sleep habits and am trying to improve, but I really have no schedule. I work at home so sometimes I'll work late and not go to bed till like midnight, and then other times I am beat and go to bed at 9. My wake time is almost always 8 hours after I go to bed...I just am like a zombie or something if I don't get my 8. The only exception is if I have an early appointment or something pressing. My hubby is really good about getting the kids up and fed if I had a late night working or something. He knows I need my 8 to function LOL.
  13. shaynesgirl

    shaynesgirl All I need is a pink Corvette!

    Nov 11, 2011
    I generally go to bed at 9 or 9:30 but I listen to an audiobook or read my kindle before sleep - its my time to wind down from the day. I usually try to get to sleep by 10:30.
  14. AnneofAlamo

    AnneofAlamo Slippers IN sunshine? Even better!

    Aug 30, 2009
    bhahahha....I just started a thread same topic..snort...I went to bed way to late last night...
  15. AnneofAlamo

    AnneofAlamo Slippers IN sunshine? Even better!

    Aug 30, 2009
    I have never been a night owl, but teenagers are killing me!:madness My son worked til 11pm last night, and closed (Burger King). :waiting:cry He got home at 1140!!:imok I can't go to bed until everyone is all home safe.
    Last night is an exception to the rule.[>] We are usually all snuggled in bed by 10pm:hammock (the latest)!

    so I changed my post to Do you nap? Cause I am in a fog now!
  16. VickyD

    VickyD Coffee - I need an IV for that!!

    Jan 2, 2013
    During the week, Ty is in bed by 8 (other than karate nights, then it is 8.45/9.00) we go,up to bed anywhere from 8 through to 10.30 and sometimes watch a bit of to in bed or I read while hubby watches tv.

    Weekends Ty is in bed normally by 9.00 and we go up anytime between 10 and midnight
  17. dvhoward

    dvhoward Don't bother me before 10am!

    Oct 17, 2012
    I go to bed generally at 11:00pm. Lately, I've had a little insomnia. I sleep until I wake up, whenever that is (it varies). Yea for retirement!!!!
  18. MrsPeel

    MrsPeel LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

    May 7, 2012
    you hit the nail in my biggest problem at the moment...I have my sleep patterns all mixed up, so I stay awake all night and end up sleeping during the depends usually on pain levels...or the Lilypad chats :giggle

    but it really messes when I need to go out as I can't drive unless I have slept at least 5 hours ... :(
  19. cfile

    cfile My bags are packed for Platform 9 3/4

    Sep 2, 2011
    I am up at 4:30am every morning so I go to bed generally between 8-9pm.. I may watch TV in bed for a bit but I am tucked in for the night at that time.
  20. Karen

    Karen Wiggle it, just a little bit!

    Jun 28, 2008
    I usually try to go to bed around 10:30 with time to read in bed. Asleep by 11:30. I'm up by 5:30 am though and sometimes by the end of the week, I'll head to bed a little earlier. On the weekends, I love to stay up late and my family all knows that Mommy needs to sleep in until 8:30ish on Saturday. :)

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