Do you gravitate toward certain designers?

Discussion in 'Scrapping Pad' started by KatrinaHunt13, Apr 4, 2017.

  1. KatrinaHunt13

    KatrinaHunt13 And *POOF* it appeared!

    Mar 13, 2016
    Are there designers that are your go to designers for scrapping? Or to get you out of a rut?

    I know everyone has different tastes! And all the designers here at the pad are freaking amazing and awesome all rolled into one! But I am talking about ones that just spark your creative streak to scrap?

    Me, @sm_amber, @mommyish and @justjaimee are my go tos if I have a block or am in a rut. I also gravitate toward certain colors, and those designers seem to know my color palettes!!! BUT if I see colors that I love from another designer I am all over it! Iam the same way with traditional scrapbooking products...certain companies I love and have to have everything!

    I feel like I don't have enough time to scrap with everything I want, especially when the BYOC is colors that I love!!

    Curious to see who gets you out of a rut!
    LoveItScrapIt likes this.
  2. bestcee

    bestcee In love with places I've never been to

    Dec 18, 2013
    Hmmm. I think my answer is totally different from what you are expecting. It depends on my mood and my photos as to who I gravitate towards.
    Early baby photos and I want a soft, maybe vintagey look? Etc by Danyale and Lynn Grieveson are my go-tos.
    Event type photos? Kristin Aagard, Bella Gypsy, Just Jaimee or Kate Hadfield are my first looks.
    Bold Toddler photos? I head to Allison Pennington, Pink Reptile Designs or Kim Jensen's stores.
    A playing around layout with lots of paint and stuff? I head to Paula Kesselring, Lynne-Marie, Tangie, or Little Butterfly Wings.
    Really need some great word art to capture my thoughts - Forever Joy, Mommyish and Sara Gleason are my gals.
    Feeling like a clean and simple page? Then One Little Bird, Paislee Press and Sabrina's Creations are my go-to's.
    Of course, anything Disney, and Sahlin Studio is first on my list.

    Or, sometimes I see a kit and it calls to me. It reminds me of a story, or a photo, and boom. That's all it takes. So, TLDR; I use anyone and everything :backing
    elseepe, LynnG, EHStudios and 2 others like this.
  3. Lindzee

    Lindzee Aging gracefully

    Jul 17, 2013
    More to certain colours, but I do have a lot of Dawn's and Lynn's
    BevG, LynnG and KatrinaHunt13 like this.
  4. StefanieS

    StefanieS Think it over, think it under

    Jan 2, 2014
    Through the years I seem to have had had different designers as faves, currently it's ( Fiddle Dee Dee, Sara Gleason, Sabrina's Creations, Lynn Grieveson that I am CT-ing for) I have most everything (especially the elements of) Pink Reptile Designs and have recently subscribed to Just Jaimee's Story Teller. I always check out SOSN though, great opportunity to snag stunners and signing up for designers newsletters with extra discounts and specials keeps my addiction ticking over nicley. Sad that our currency has taken another knock and we been downgraded to junk status!
    LynnG and KatrinaHunt13 like this.
  5. QuiltyMom

    QuiltyMom I'll never run out of things to do!

    Feb 3, 2012
    I'm really loving @LynnG Lynn Grieveson's templates at the moment, especially the album sets. They make scrapping albums fast, which is what I need right now. I've too many photos to scrap! And I can't forget @Scrapping with Liz and Fiddle Dee Dee templates.

    Otherwise, it's @sahlink Sahlin Studios, @sm_amber Amber Labau, @sabrinavc Sabrina's Creations for their more simple style. And I am starting to enjoy the style of One Little Bird.
  6. AnneofAlamo

    AnneofAlamo Slippers IN sunshine? Even better!

    Aug 30, 2009
    I gravitate towards color! seriously, if there is red or teal (or both) I seem to grab it everytime! bhahah
    QuiltyMom, LynnG and KatrinaHunt13 like this.
  7. jk703

    jk703 CEO of Anything and Everything, Everywhere

    Sep 17, 2012
    It's not really a designer per se.... it's more what grabs my attention, color, theme, or just something pops from the previews. :)
    janedee, LynnG and KatrinaHunt13 like this.
  8. dawnmarch

    dawnmarch Actually, no. You are not funny!

    Jan 10, 2015
    I gravitate toward a few things -- brighter colors, journaling cards, kits that feel "full" and sometimes a particular theme will grab me. This means that I definitely gravitate toward certain designers like Just Jaimee and Mommyish.
    KatrinaHunt13 likes this.
  9. mrs2a50

    mrs2a50 Pretty much the best.ever.

    Apr 12, 2007
    I do tend to gravitate toward certain designers, or certain styles - clean, crisp, simple. However, every time I grab something of Dawn Inskip's, I have so much fun working with a style that seems so outside my comfort zone! So it's always good to break out of the box a bit!!
    KatrinaHunt13 likes this.
  10. QuiltyMom

    QuiltyMom I'll never run out of things to do!

    Feb 3, 2012
    I should also say that I'm a big "theme" scrapper. If I'm doing a page about knitting, you better believe I'm going to seek out a knitting/needlework kit! And a foodie kit for food, travel kit for travel. I'm not too much a generic page scrapper. So, in those instances it doesn't matter who the designer is at all!
    KatrinaHunt13 likes this.
  11. BevG

    BevG If I can't remember it, it didn't happen

    Dec 26, 2015
    My favorites are Fiddle-Dee-Dee Designs, Lynn Grieveson, and Scrapping With Liz for templates. I love my watercolor, artsy type papers and kits with unique elements. Here at the pad, Lynn Grieveson and Dawn Inskip are favorites, but I also love ETC and Kristin Aagard. Oh, and M3 and the designers in it cause - yeah, art and stuff.

    What gets me out of slump? Maybe a better question is, how do I get in one? I scrap chronologically and some times I just hit a group of pictures that put me in an un-creative mood because I just don't know what to do with them. Some times I go looking for new kits that would work with those pictures and sometimes I wait for inspiration. And sometimes, I just pick some basic templates, throw down the pictures, call it done and move on.

    I love Lynn's pocket and magazine style templates because they are great for those throw down and move on pages. They end up looking great with little work.
  12. wvsandy

    wvsandy Grinning Granny

    Apr 15, 2011
    I love it all!!! Love the inspiration and challenge of working with unknown designers too!
    KatrinaHunt13 likes this.
  13. bbymks5

    bbymks5 Where oh where can it be?!?

    Jan 9, 2017
    I'm all over the board! I do wish I had more photos that would for certain designers though just because I love their styles.
    KatrinaHunt13 likes this.
  14. londoncuppa

    londoncuppa I like rain, England ... and big words

    Nov 21, 2014
    I definitely gravitate towards certain designers, but my answer is more akin to Courtney's @bestcee (though I'm always a complete sucker for the aqua/red color scheme, no matter who did it). I have a stash of products from every designer at TLP (some huge; some smaller). I love retro, graphic, and eclectic kits.

    The only thing I don't do is cutesy stuff. It doesn't appeal to me at all, and I almost never buy those products. It has to speak to me before I'll get them (even if they're free), but I do try to be up for anything and always want to stretch my style/comfort zone.

    I don't own as much art journaling products as I would like (i.e. Dawn's stuff), so I'm trying to buy more of her products when I see things I really like. Luckily, I started buying from her when she was at SBG, so I'm not starting from scratch (loved those sketched bears).

    There are several designers that I would REALLY love to be on their design teams because I love their products so much. I'm happy that most of my favorite designers are at The Pad, so that makes having products available for challenges easier. Laura @lmccandless has made excellent choices in whose product she carries. Every designer here is top notch!
  15. janedee

    janedee Is a craft project ever really finished?

    Jan 9, 2016
    I'm not a theme scrapper so I tend to be drawn in by colour and a more artsy style. Like @londoncuppa I don't do cutesy as my kids are all grown up so those designs don't attract me at all.
    That being said, I can usually find a ton of stuff that a want to buy from a wide range of designers here. Its just the budget that holds me back, that and enough time to use it all!!!
    londoncuppa likes this.
  16. KatrinaHunt13

    KatrinaHunt13 And *POOF* it appeared!

    Mar 13, 2016
    HAHA, now I am thinking I should have reworded my original post!!!! And actually you all are nailing what I was trying to get at!!

    Oh trust me, I want it all, but I need more time to use it. I also need to step out of my box more and try some different things. But then I am always critical of what I did and pick it over!!! LOL
  17. scrappyjedi

    scrappyjedi Patience you must have, my young padawan

    Jul 21, 2014
    All of our designers here are truly awesome-sauce, so if I tend to gravitate towards some more than others it's purely because of my scrapping style and not anything to do with them or their amazing talent! Laura has done such a great job of gathering a diverse set of designers so that there's something for everyone.

    I think I trend more toward the designers who work on MPM- a little more graphic, a little bit on the clean side (though not necessarily totally Clean and Simple), maybe a little more like what you'd find in a physical scrapbooking line (which makes total sense since I started out as a paper scrapper). Jaimee's kits are all pretty much must-haves for me, too. She's got both sides of the scrapbooking vibe going on- a little clean and simple, a little grunge and mixed media- just enough to make the artsy side not scary for me!
    londoncuppa and KatrinaHunt13 like this.
  18. KatrinaHunt13

    KatrinaHunt13 And *POOF* it appeared!

    Mar 13, 2016
    See! This is why I shouldn't post topics when I am sneaking in at work! LOL The designer talent here AMAZES me. I look at other sites, but I LOVE everything here, even if it's "not" my style!!
    Dalis likes this.
  19. Dalis

    Dalis Jose Cuervo is NOT a good friend

    May 6, 2011
    I have to say that sometimes (most of the times, I just don't want to accept it) my favorite pages are using kits that I feel are NOT my style. LOL!!!
    Aerobigirl, scrappyjedi and LynnG like this.
  20. EHStudios

    EHStudios I am more clever than I think

    Oct 29, 2010
    I probably have something, or multiple somethings, from every designer here! My taste is products is as varied as my "style" in scrapping! I never know what photos I want to use in advance & never know what vibe I'm feeling until I start. I LOVE the variety here & love that I know I can create something with each designers style.

    I'll always initially gravitate to the Clean & Graphic designers first since that's my most comfortable style, but any designer can grab me with some awesome wordart or art! I'm definitely a shopper that looks at sample pages too to get my inspiration going!
    KatrinaHunt13 likes this.

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