Comments on Profile Post by Juliestcyr

  1. londoncuppa
    Hope you feel better, Julie!! Allergies have been kicking my rear all week. That movie is on my watch list too.
    Mar 15, 2019
  2. Juliestcyr
    Watched the movie this morning - the only Oscar best picture nominee I haven't seen yet is Vice. (Roma and A Star is Born are my favourites so far).
    Mar 15, 2019
    jenn mccabe likes this.
  3. jenn mccabe
    jenn mccabe
    How was it? I was about to rent that but felt too tired. I loved Roma and was just kind of whatever about A Star/Boh Rap.
    Mar 15, 2019
  4. Juliestcyr
    It was OK for what it was. But I felt that the themes and messages were things we've all seen before. There wasn't a lot of subtlety in it either. Whereas I thought the beauty of Roma was how much it said, and how much nuance it portrayed with a very sparse story and what felt like sparse visuals (because of the black and white).
    Mar 15, 2019
    jenn mccabe likes this.
  5. jenn mccabe
    jenn mccabe
    Exactly my thoughts Julie on Roma - and why I was bored with Star/Boh Rap ... I've seen these stories so many times before. It didn't feel new (I know Star is a remake - but even without that ... that story seems to be a popular theme in US movie culture. It's played.) The cinematography drew me in for Roma.
    Mar 16, 2019
    Juliestcyr likes this.