Laundry Quirks | Pad Patter 11.14.15

Discussion in 'Chatty Pad' started by scrapsandsass, Nov 14, 2015.

  1. scrapsandsass

    scrapsandsass Oh Ricky you're so fine ...

    Feb 11, 2011
    I'm sure this has been asked before, but in hopes of making me feel less alone about my laundry duties, I thought I'd ask how many loads of laundry you do each week.

    Do you count loads or just power through? Do you scatter them throughout the week? Wash them all in one day? Does someone help you out with the laundry chores? Does each person do their own? How do you break it up? Do you save up whites and do them irregularly (like me)? Do you do towels alone or mix them in with other things? What about sheets? Do you wear clothes (like jeans) more than once before washing? Are you weird about the way you have to have things folded?

    I just sorted/folded about six loads of laundry today. Some were washed earlier in the week, but most today. I always wash Tim's stuff separately. We don't have a whole ton of whites, so I save them and do one huge load every 3-4 weeks. I sometimes do a combo load of my clothes, Jessica's work pants, and Kennedy's miscellany during the week, but often save until it piles up and do them back to back on a weekend. Kind of depends on how the week is going and/or what I did the week before. I do towels alone on a sanitize cycle (that takes forever), sheets and throw blankets can go together. Each person gets their own laundry basket with folded clothes, and what they do with them from there is their problem. We often live out of our laundry baskets because putting clothes away apparently falls very low on our priority lists. :giggle I can't let Tim fold towels because they look weird and wrong to me when he does them.
  2. AnneofAlamo

    AnneofAlamo Slippers IN sunshine? Even better!

    Aug 30, 2009
    Laundry is my forte! lol
    We have 8 people in this house 6 kids and my hubby and me.
    Monday (I do hubby and my laundry)
    Tuesday (one of the twins)
    Wednesday( I do an extra load of towels, and misc and my sheets)
    Thursday (no laundry, and my son and his darling wife know it is a free day and sometimes drop in)
    Friday (the other twin)
    Saturday (all three littles do one load each) they each have their own basket
    Sunday (my 17 year old does his, so he hopefully remembers his gym clothes...ugh)

    Each person loads and starts. I have stacked front loaders so the two littlest can't reach to start, but they can load it.
    I pull out and put in basket..and everyone is responsible for folding and putting away. I only fold mine, and sometimes hubbys, he is a great folder,and we usually do them together as the kids are doing dinner chores.
    Every other week or so, I was the Littles sheets and blankets...the older kids wash theirs on their day.
  3. klee73010

    klee73010 I might have a thing for drummers

    Apr 25, 2015
    Hubby does the adult laundry, towels and bedding, most of the time. I usually do the kids' clothes. I like to split up their laundry into their own piles, but only because I feel like it goes faster when I get to the fold/put away part.

    Kitchen towels usually end up in kids laundry, because we keep their hamper in the living room.

    The kids occasionally help with folding and putting away. I gave up making sure they fold correctly, because they often like to pull clothes out of their drawers, or they get messed up as they are picking out their clothes each day. Not something I care to stress about.

    Because I don't do the laundry, I don't complain if hubby puts my tank tops in the "regular" shirt drawer, or if my work out socks end up in the "regular" sock drawer. :giggle

    I do kid's laundry every other week. There's usually one load each kid. I don't mind throwing towels or something random in a load if I need it and it's not laundry day/specific load time. Husband has some method I don't really understand, like color shirts load, whites load, pants load, I think.... Haha
  4. readingfool

    readingfool Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2015
    I'm only responsible for my own laundry, and usually do 2 or 3 loads a blue in one load, pinks/purples/reds in another, and greens/blues in another. About once a month I have enough white/yellow/gray stuff to make a load, and sheets & towels are done as needed, sometimes I'll throw a couple towels in with the clothes if I don't have much else to wash - I hate to use the electricity it takes run the washer for a small load, when our machine takes just as long for those as for a full load. I used to be terrible about putting things away, but since I re-organized my closet a few months ago, I've been pretty good about getting things hung up or folded & in the drawers the day I wash them.
  5. IntenseMagic

    IntenseMagic Some grannies cuss a lot. I'm some grannies.

    Feb 28, 2012
    When everyone was here, I did at least one and most of the time 2 loads a day. If I didn't, the weekends were a nightmare. I washed and put in the dryer and DD folded. Everyone puts their own away. I cannot stand for it not to be put away and have to dig for things all week. Now that there's just 3 of us, it is so much easier. I usually do one load every other day and maybe 3 on the weekend.
  6. Karen

    Karen Wiggle it, just a little bit!

    Jun 28, 2008
    I used to do all the laundry, but last year during soccer season I wasn't home enough to keep up with it and my hubby was running out of socks and underwear so he actually started helping with the laundry and then this year again during soccer season, he just took it over and I let him! Lol!

    I have two long table downstairs by the washer and dryer. Each family member has a section of table. Laundry gets folded and put in their spot and they can either take care of their laundry or streak downstairs after their shower in the mornings. :giggle I'll give you a hint... don't drive by my house in the morning or you might see streakin' I'm the only one the always puts my laundry away.

    As for when it gets done? Either on the weekend if I have to do it or whenever I remember or whenever someone runs out of something.
  7. Lynnette

    Lynnette In my life, I've loved them all

    Sep 28, 2011
    I am alone in laundry duty like you, but I like it that way - I'm sort of a control freak about it. I wash ALL the clothes in the house on Monday, in six big loads. Monday night after everyone is in bed I put on a show or movie and fold it all in one sitting. It all gets put away Tuesday morning. Then, I'm done for the week!! Well, except for sheets and towels, but I just do those on any other day, as needed. This system totally works for me and laundry is really the only household chore I don't mind, and sort of feel like I have a handle on.
  8. Kate W

    Kate W And justice for all ...

    Apr 11, 2015
    We have one laundry basket, so I do a load when there is enough washing in the basket, usually three or four loads a week. Everything that doesn't need ironing gets put away as soon as it's dry. I do the ironing on Thursdays. Why has no-one else mentioned ironing? It's my least favourite job!!
  9. jenevang

    jenevang Rocking a two-piece under my scrubs

    Apr 20, 2011
    Laundry! Never ending, right? I do a LOT of laundry, especially when my kids are "in season" for their sports.

    I have 3 baskets, all centralized. A white basket (for whites), a blue basket (for darks/colors) and a mesh basket (for towels). And Woe to the human in my house who puts their whites in the blue basket. My 8 year old sometimes stresses over his gray shirts :giggle .

    I wash 3 loads (one of each) about 6 days a week. There is usually one day that it doesn't get done b/c of work/night activities, but even on those days, sports equipment gets washed and thrown in the dryer before I go to bed.

    I LOVE empty baskets, although I don't see the bottoms for long. Ever.

    I did teach my older sons to do their own, but honestly, I am kind of freaky about "wasting" a wash cycle (mainly b/c I go through so much soap) so I still monitor what goes in to make sure they are full loads, not just their PE clothes, LOL.
  10. klee73010

    klee73010 I might have a thing for drummers

    Apr 25, 2015
    What's an iron? :giggle
    We don't use that appliance we own. Lol.
  11. readingfool

    readingfool Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2015
    I am pretty careful about NOT buying things that need to be ironed, but every couple of months, the hems on my jeans have turned themselves up & won't stay in place until I iron them back down....sometimes the back pockets too, and if I accidentally break out the sewing machine and make or repair something, I use the iron a bit for that....otherwise, it makes a great paper weight!
  12. jenevang

    jenevang Rocking a two-piece under my scrubs

    Apr 20, 2011
    Oh... Ironing. I iron our clothes on Sunday morning (our Sunday clothes). Otherwise, I totally hang everything. Even t-shirts. Just to prevent the need for ironing. At the beginning of the school year, I iron all of my kids clothes, but by this time of the year, my desire to keep my head above water outweighs my desire to have them neatly pressed each day :giggle

    Side note: DH does his own ironing. It's the only thing laundry related he does and that's b/c he is a West Point grad and I am totally not good enough with his shirts, LOL. SCORE!
  13. Nikki Epperson

    Nikki Epperson I'm really a spy.

    Nov 16, 2010
    I do laundry as I have to, lol! I have to wash my work clothes every other day, so I put whatever in with those. ;)
    The kids laundry gets done as they actually clean rooms and give me their stinky stuff!
  14. berniek

    berniek I have a girl crush on the Naming Fairy

    May 3, 2012
    I'm a single lady so I obviously have to do my own.
    I mostly only wash in the weekend. I have two electricity meters, one for the low price (weekends and nighttime) and one for the high price (daytime on weekdays). So washing in the low price hours really helps me save money.
    Usually I do it all in one day. I love doing my laundry btw. I like to see the pile of dirty laundry get smaller and my closet filled again. It's such a simple task that doesn't take much time (I only count the time I actively have to do something) but it makes me feel like I'm very productive.
    I don't do a lot of ironing though, I save it up and only iron maybe once a month. I researched how my clothes would get the least wrinkly and for example hanging jeans up by their legs really helps.

    My general laundry list:
    darks (1 load a week)
    midcolour (1 load a week)
    lights (1 load a week)
    towels, socks and underwear (1 or 2 loads a week)
    bedding (1 load every other week)
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2015
  15. gonewiththewind

    gonewiththewind I choose joy.

    Dec 15, 2009
    I used to have several dirty clothes baskets . . . whites, lights, darks, jeans, towels. I never got a handle on the laundry.

    I went down to one dirty clothes basket (our house is on the small side, 1500 sq ft) so it's not a long walk to the laundry room ~ I don't like hampers. Since I've done that, it makes it much easier to stay on top of the laundry.

    I usually do at least one load of laundry per day. Sometimes I get away with not doing laundry as much during the fall and winter because hubby's work jeans get worn twice instead of just once. Usually I don't though, because hubby has work out clothes that NEED to be washed.

    I don't mind mixing clothes, especially if they have been worn a kajillion times and I know nothing is going to bleed.

    We have a folding table. Everyone has a spot on there for folded clothes, but most clothes are hung on the rack above the table. The iron is taken out by my hubby the most, as he likes to iron some of his work shirts. Most of my clothes are just fine with hanging straight from the dryer.
  16. Dalis

    Dalis Jose Cuervo is NOT a good friend

    May 6, 2011
    I have a sickness.
    Cold vs warm
    White vs black vs red/pinks/orange vs blue/green vs knitted sweaters vs fleece materials vs towels vs sheets vs underwear vs socks vs dark jeans vs light jeans.
  17. jk703

    jk703 CEO of Anything and Everything, Everywhere

    Sep 17, 2012
    I do approx a load a day, skipping a day. Give or take a load, and give or take a day, lol!

    Lately, I've been on top of it...mostly, because of soccer, gear and sports. Usually if DH is home, and I bring up the load, then he will help fold. I put it all away. We have a hamper in each bedroom, and it works well. DH and I are usually very equal on the chores. We look as it as a team. He also helps out with it if he is off during the week one day, which then saves me from doing a load/folding!
  18. staciahall

    staciahall Quidditch, anyone?

    Oct 29, 2010
    Just me and the 21 year old boy around these days. We have one light load, one dark load and one jeans load during the cool Florida weather all washed on cold. Each of our sets of sheets added makes 4-5 loads on the weekend. Towels happen whenever the basket is full or I run out of washcloths, whichever comes first.

    Not much ironing happens, I'll admit. I do white pants in the summer and dress shirts for holidays. Other than that, it better be okay out of the dryer.
  19. Sokee

    Sokee What we do in life echoes in eternity

    Dec 14, 2012
    ahhh laundry! Is it weird to say I enjoy ironing?

    Okay here it is for our house. I do my husband's and myself's laundry every Monday including sheets. We have 4 children that still live in this house. They do their own laundry. That was a must for me once they got old enough. Teach them to be self reliant. I do towels a couple times a week, just when I notice we are running low, and that too I love to fold towels. The only thing I do not like is having to search in rooms when you 'notice' all the towels are missing. LOL. It is almost time to replace our towels. AND. Some are missing which really bugs me. Who knows where they walk off too!
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2015
  20. amandajane

    amandajane amandajane

    May 21, 2007
    After reading all these posts, I need to re evaluate the way I do laundry!!!!!!!!
    I wash everyones every other day and usually fold and iron on Thursdays or Fridays, but it takes forever.

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