Pad Patter: 2/9 - Laundry

Discussion in 'Chatty Pad' started by Angie4b1g, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. MrsPeel

    MrsPeel LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

    May 7, 2012
    gosh, behind is a small word for the state of affaires here !!!! LOL
    I actually need to go now you reminded me because I feel guilty :(

    be back in a bit!!!
  2. Dutch_Diva

    Dutch_Diva The 80's called? Awesome!

    Sep 29, 2012
    Luckily my husband surprised me and did 3 loads today! I think I will keep him! :giggle
  3. talivstouwe

    talivstouwe Am I really that rotten? I can't remember. I'm s

    Dec 7, 2009
    We pretty much keep on top of it. Eric does his own so I don't worry about him. As soon as the kids get about half a basket each they bring it downstairs and I help them get it started. Ella pretty much has a handle on how to get the machines going (she's 10) but the boys (7 years) are honestly too dang short to get up high enough to do it (our front loaders are on pretty tall stands). They do sort, fold and put all their own stuff away so other than running the machines I don't do anything.

    I keep on top of mine, washing-wise. I am not great at the actual putting away. Mine usually sits on the office chair in our room until Eric guilts me into putting it away. :D
  4. KimJ

    KimJ Did you check in the refrigerator?

    Nov 28, 2009
    The kids doing their own seems like it would be a really inefficient use of the machines. I can't quite wrap my head around how that would work.

    We start the laundry every weekend. The kids do sort their own stuff, and they put their own clothes away, but I do the washing/drying/folding. It's usually about 6-8 giant loads a week during these bulky cold-weather clothing months. Sometimes it all gets done on the weekend, other times only what's critical, and then the rest I do over the next couple of days. Right now I have a load in the dryer that I did yesterday but didn't get folded, and there are two more loads still waiting to be washed. I should probably get on that. :whistle
  5. jenn mccabe

    jenn mccabe She's OUR sunshine!

    Jan 5, 2013
    i think the same ways you do, Kim. my kids would put 5-10 little things in there and start it without blinking an eye. that would drive me insane. i fill mine, always, to not waste any water.

    laundry is one of those things i don't really mind & am usually caught up with. i fold everyone's stuff and put them in baskets and it is up to everyone to put their clothes away themselves.
  6. talivstouwe

    talivstouwe Am I really that rotten? I can't remember. I'm s

    Dec 7, 2009
    You just gotta train 'em right. :) My kids know that we fill the machine all the way up, and they add dirty towels (from that endless basket!) if the load isn't full. Generally they each bring down 1/2 a basket or so and throw that in the machine altogether so that equals a full load.
  7. lvancura

    lvancura Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2014
    It is never caught up at my house... good thing we have a lot of clothes. I don't know if it would all fit in the dressers and closets if it was clean at once! With 3 kids, school clothes, sports clothes, and farm clothes it is never ending. Honestly... it is at the bottom of the "to-do" list... I'd rather be playing with my kids or scrapbooking :)
  8. shaynesgirl

    shaynesgirl All I need is a pink Corvette!

    Nov 11, 2011
    I got waaaay behind with MOC. Finally a vacation day from work today so trying frantically to get caught up.
  9. AnneofAlamo

    AnneofAlamo Slippers IN sunshine? Even better!

    Aug 30, 2009
    I do laundry ONE day a week. My kids..they do their laundry on their day....they miss it, they rewear their
  10. RebeccaH

    RebeccaH Life is exciting, yes it is!

    Jul 12, 2009
    almost all of mine is clean right now, thanks to hubby and kids rocking it out over the weekend. But we still have a few baskets that need to be hung up or otherwise put away. If it weren't for my family pitching in, though, I would be buried alive!

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