Is it just me?

Discussion in 'Chatty Pad' started by ForeverJoy, Jul 27, 2022.

Where is your fave place to get a creative fix?

  1. Facebook

  2. Instagram

  3. TikTok

  4. Forums like this one!

  5. Blogs

  6. Newsletter

  7. Pinterest

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  1. ForeverJoy

    ForeverJoy Swimming in the big tank

    Jun 9, 2014
    One of my favorite escapes and happiest ways to stay in touch with creative trends and products is scrolling through Instagram. (Facebook is more and more losing my love as a happy place) BUT- my Instagram look has changed with their update- and man! I'm not feeling the love. Does anyone else feel the same? :shrug How do you stay in the creative loop and get your inspiration?
  2. bcgal00

    bcgal00 Say, "birdseed!"

    Nov 18, 2010
    IG seems to be full of ads that I don't care about so don't scroll thru as much as I used to and each update they do, they try to focus more and more on videos not photos which is mostly what I want to see.

    I scroll thru Pinterest daily, still getting lots of inspiration there (plus I find most of my recipe ideas there). There is a newish platform that apparently combines the best of all 3 of the top platforms Tiktok, IG and Pinterest but when they were talking about it on the news this morning I missed hearing the name. I'm curious to learn more about that.
    ForeverJoy likes this.
  3. HavaDrPepper

    HavaDrPepper Space. The final frontier

    Dec 27, 2015
    I have found I get more inspiration at (sorry to say it) another forum that posts a thread every week where layouts for the new coming to the store items are posted. I've bought kits after seeing those layouts in advance. Wish something like that was done here!

    Preface to say I view any sites on a computer, I do not use the apps. I quit pinterest years ago because it was loaded with ads. An ad was inserted after every 3 to 4 posts. I followed people because I wanted to see their stuff and the ads were never for things I was interested in. Instagram has gone downhill since it was purchased by FB and the new changes pushing video make it even worse. I've been seeing a lot of pushback in the media about that. Even those that I follow for layouts don't show up in my feed regularly. But I don't get ads using the website to view so I guess that is a plus there. Facebook I pretty much just use to keep up with out of town family.

    I used to love reading blogs and my blog reader was discontinued. It was so nice having all my blogs in one place. I never found another reader that I liked or did what I wanted so I've pretty much stop reading blogs regularly. And, newsletters with layouts in them are always cut off for being too long in gmail. Irritating.
    ForeverJoy likes this.
  4. amien1

    amien1 I do enjoy a good exclamation point!

    Dec 14, 2015
    I like IG too- but the algorithms only show me bulldogs now... lol I've obviously watched a BD video or two...

    For scrapping inspiration- I tend to do forums/galleries or newsletters. I have a few that always spark some juices when I glance through!
    ForeverJoy likes this.
  5. Pachimac

    Pachimac Give me all the cliché Christmas movies

    Apr 12, 2016
    I haven't noticed a change in how it looks lately, but I can't believe how many ads there are now. Social media in general raises my blood pressure lately. If not for scrapping, I think I'm at the point I could walk away. I spend most of my time here or on IG now. FB is just too harsh - it's almost as contentious as Twitter now.
    ForeverJoy likes this.
  6. ArmyGrl

    ArmyGrl Merlot, Cab, Chard, Reisling - all 4 food groups!

    Sep 1, 2012
    Well, I never looked to Facebook for art or scrapbooking inspiration. I know there are private forums that cater to scrapbooking, including digital scrapbooking....but most of those forums are flooded with kits and styles that I do not find pleasing.

    Instagram remains my #1 spot for art inspiration. I make a point of "disliking" (hiding) adds and "show less content" when it comes to the video reels that have nothing to do with art. I make a point of liking and adding comments to the still life photos of art (including scrapbooking). While I still get annoying reels that have nothing to do with my interests, and some adds that have nothing to do with my interests, for the most part IG algorithms are working with me. My feed is FULL of art inspiration. And truthfully, I kind of like Memory Keeping adds and Gelli Art adds and Fodder School adds. These adds are inspirational and are things I actually want to buy. So, BLUF - IG is still me my place for artspiration.

    The second is Pinterest. No way to block seriously annoying adds....but I save lots and lots of stuff to my boards. So when I want to see mark making, I go to my mark making board. When I want to see Scrapbooking, I go to one of my 10 scrapbooking boards :rofl. I find Pinterest is much better to view from a computer due to the wider screen. The one out of every four posts that is an unwelcome advertisement is not not AS annoying on a computer vs phone screen.
    norton94, wvsandy and ForeverJoy like this.
  7. ArmyGrl

    ArmyGrl Merlot, Cab, Chard, Reisling - all 4 food groups!

    Sep 1, 2012
    I feel a need to add, store Newsletters are invaluable to me. They really help me see what is on sale...and I like the creative team layouts too. I do not not use Newsletters for "artspiration" but for WHAT AM I GOING TO BUY. These are two very different things.
    tanteva and ForeverJoy like this.
  8. gonewiththewind

    gonewiththewind I choose joy.

    Dec 15, 2009
    I think it's been pretty clear for me for a long time that I go to YouTube for a lot of scrappy inspiration. I love watching process videos. I would love to see other digi scrappers besides me making videos, but I'm happy enough watching the process videos of paper scrappers. Very inspiring.

    I get inspiration from Facebook and Instagram as well, as I have curated mostly scrapbook artists along with my family and friends. I am in lots of groups on Facebook, so I see many layouts in those as well. I like how Facebook allows you to see everything that's been posted in groups. It moves so fast that without that option, I would miss so much. I use both these apps on the computer mostly. I love seeing the layouts in a huge format rather than squinting at a little mobile phone screen.

    I also still love looking through decorating magazines, fashion magazines, etc. My mom has a big group of friends that she sees every week, and they share magazines they subscribe to or pick up at the store. I'm grateful for them still being "old school" as I get to enjoy the magazines as well. LOL
    bestcee, Memaw2Wm, G.J. and 2 others like this.
  9. Karen

    Karen Wiggle it, just a little bit!

    Jun 28, 2008
    I alternate between Instagram and Pinterest. Both of those offer me the rabbit hole of creativity that I need sometimes just to look at pretty things and give me ideas. I also am loving the project thread here in the hybrid forum and seeing other people fun projects for ideas.
    G.J. and ForeverJoy like this.
  10. ForeverJoy

    ForeverJoy Swimming in the big tank

    Jun 9, 2014
    Me too! I LOVE recipe ideas- but really don't like when you go to see the recipes and the page is packed with ads.

    OOOH! I'm going to have to keep an eye out!

    That's a great idea! :beat

    yes!! me too!

    I never thought of that! I'm going to give that a try!

    YES!! I have lots of boards of pretty things I've curated.


    YES! YouTube is definitely a fun rabbit hole- and you can make a playlist! YOU are awesome on that my friend! :beat

    *sigh* I really miss all the scrapbooking magazines there were!

    Yep! Me too!

    I'm glad it's not just me feeling this way! :beat
    gonewiththewind likes this.
  11. IntenseMagic

    IntenseMagic Some grannies cuss a lot. I'm some grannies.

    Feb 28, 2012
    I'd say tops for me are Instagram and Pinterest. My Insta hasn't updated yet, but my son's has and he was complaining about it the other day. I do wish they had never started pushing reels so much. I prefer just to look at images. I do try to interact more with creative types of things so that the algorithm will show me more. My goal when I have a little more free time is to figure out how I can best work with reels to showcase CT layouts that I post because I have noticed a slip in my own views/likes recently.
    It seems like every time I go on FB lately I either come away feeling sad or angry.
    G.J., Nemla and ForeverJoy like this.
  12. Nemla

    Nemla Stretching my skill set

    Apr 24, 2013
    Never thought I would say this in a million years, but I get a lot of inspiration from FB. But I get it from closed groups that I belong to. That cuts down on a lot of useless scrolling. I hardly ever look at the main feed at all. (There is enough moaning and groaning in real life, without actually seeking to be spoon feed more, Plus there are more con men on there than there are in prison )
    I like instagram , but I am with everyone else when I ask what's with the reels? Do I really need to see a toilet rim being cleaned with a toothbrush? (set to loud music of course)!
    When I am serious about a subject I want to try out,pinterest is my go to. Or you tube.
    ForeverJoy, Memaw2Wm and G.J. like this.
  13. rach3975

    rach3975 Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2014
    IG is my favorite social media site (and the only one I use regularly), but lately it has been leading me too far down the rabbit hole every time I log on. I don't know if it's new algorithms, lack of posts by the people I actually follow, or what, but lately I see mostly "suggested for you" content with just a few friends and scrappy posts thrown in. The content of the suggested posts is similar to some of what I actually follow, but it's too much of a time waster to scroll through and constantly see so many new "suggested" posts (mostly in categories that are second tier for me and that I don't want more of in my feed). I miss the days when I could spend 15 minutes catching up on scrap inspiration and friends then be done and put my phone down. I've logged onto IG a lot less than usual this summer. I love the forums and come here to connect to the digi community so I voted for it, but I don't know if I'd say it's exactly scrap inspiration for me. I look at more LOs on IG than on the scrap sites unless there's a special event I'm participating in.
    BevG likes this.
  14. G.J.

    G.J. If I Could Turn Back Time

    Jan 1, 2019
    Well Instagram doesn't like me, lol, for more than a year I've tried to create an account, and keeps saying the same, that someone else is using my email, I've wrote almost a book protesting, taking screenshots, etc., and sending to Instagram via FB, and I have heard nothing, at this point, even that they'd correct the problem I'm not any longer interested to belong to some place that doesn't give a *** about their possible customers, so no instagram for me. I like fb, where I can spend hours chatting, getting freebies, sharing and seeing my friends and videochatting with my family, but my inspiration comes from galleries -forums-, pinterest, youtube and nature, yes nature, for some reason every time that I walk to our nearby forest, I end up imagining the shapes of my layouts, when I take a picture, I can imagine what I'm gonna do with it.
    ForeverJoy likes this.
  15. tanteva

    tanteva Even the professionals are bewildered

    Dec 30, 2011
    Agree with this. Newsletters are my fav too. Don't use social media at all, newsletters & forum posts are my way of knowing what's going on + inspiration.
    ForeverJoy likes this.
  16. wvsandy

    wvsandy Grinning Granny

    Apr 15, 2011
    I like Pinterest for inspiration but generally don't look to social media for ideas.

    As a family storyteller more than an artist, I get so much inspiration scrolling through a Challenge thread. For instance, look through the "Then & Now Summer School 2022: Week 3 HISTORY CHALLENGE" thread. There are wonderful ideas for what story to scrap, designs to scrap, and what products to scrap.
    ForeverJoy and rach3975 like this.
  17. bestcee

    bestcee In love with places I've never been to

    Dec 18, 2013
    Trying to compete with Tiktok. Facebook and Youtube are the same now too. All trying to compete. I wish apps would stay in their own lane!
  18. ForeverJoy

    ForeverJoy Swimming in the big tank

    Jun 9, 2014
    I agree! I wish I could just see feed from my groups and nothing else -:yup

    I love the forum to connect too! :beat I guess the follow up would be- do you get inspo from the gallery?

    That's scary! Can you try and log in with your email and then prompt you forgot your password? and then close it out?

    I love getting pretty newsletters- I try and keep mine as fun as possible but always wonder if people are reading them! :giggle

    YES! I do love challenges! MOC is just AWESOME and the monthly ones we have here are great!

    YES! Each had it's own fun- why do they think everything should be like TikTok?
    wvsandy likes this.
  19. Cherylndesigns

    Cherylndesigns All glasses should be bigger than 1.5 oz

    Dec 15, 2017
    I'm pretty turned off of all Social Media. I post my CT stuff on most of them, but that's about all. I'm trying to delete my TikTok but have been unsuccessful, so far. Not sure what the trick is. I've been on most of them since the beginning and maybe I'm just getting tired. I don't know. :blahblah
    ForeverJoy likes this.
  20. tanteva

    tanteva Even the professionals are bewildered

    Dec 30, 2011
    Well, I signed up now, so now you know you'll have at least one reader next time. :agree
    ForeverJoy likes this.

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