Back in the saddle again...

Discussion in 'Chatty Pad' started by AliSarah, Jul 11, 2020.

  1. AliSarah

    AliSarah Oh great. Now I have pixie dust in my hair!

    Dec 16, 2016
    Hi Everyone!

    I've been out of touch for a while, I am not sure how long, lol... But, I am going pretty stir crazy in the house right now, and had an excuse or two to get back into some scrapbooking! When last we spoke, I was probably parenting, grandparenting and foster parenting, all of which I am still doing!

    I was in a documentary about a program we have here in Los Angeles where they followed our journey as a perspective adoptive family for a young girl we had met in a program called Kidsave. Everything was going beautifully when she decided overnight that she didn't want to be adopted and didn't want to have anything to do with us or Kidsave anymore. Broken hearted, we soldiered on... We kept fostering and kept going to Kidsave events!

    I don't know that we thought we would actually meet any kiddos who would be as great a fit as she had been but we kept going, mostly because we are eternal optimists. Our newly cautious hearts were lukewarm at best... BUT, the universe being what it is... One of the kiddos we have been driving to events for almost this whole time (we've picked him up from 3 different placements in the time we've known him) put his foot down and told the lady in charge of Kidsave that we were his people, and if we didn't want him then there was just no hope or reason for him to keep coming to Kidsave.

    He's such a great kid, and by the end of January, we were ALL IN! But, in March, well... lockdown happened. So, here we are, in an official match with a kid we adore, who we can't visit, but at least get to have zoom calls with. One of our jobs as his official Kidsave Host Family is to create a scrapbook for him. And, THAT is the very long story that led me back here to you all! It's a little scary knowing he could break our hearts but also one of the most beautiful and hopeful relationships I've ever been a part of.

    During one of our zoom calls, I showed him the first 2 pages of his scrapbook that I have created with my years old stash and a Scrapping With Liz blog challenge template. He was so excited and just shocked that I would make that for him, that I had taken that picture (of a bowling score board), or that I had written the start of our story in this way. It was/is inspiring me to keep going making his book spectacular! My son Curtis is also old enough to see the pages that I have made for Eugene and ask about pages for him, of which I have many. So, the enthusiasm my boys have shown has brought me back into this world of digiscrapping art, and I am so glad!!

    Sorry for the novel, but I am happy to be back!
  2. jenn mccabe

    jenn mccabe She's OUR sunshine!

    Jan 5, 2013
    Oh my goodness Sarah - that is absolutely the loveliest story! I'm sorry your first child experience didn't go the way you had hoped but it sounds like you learned a lot, and loved even more. As painful as it was, you gave that child the knowledge that someone out there wants her. And that is no small thing. Even though she didn't go through with it - your love and commitment to her will always be a part of her. Something she needs whether she knows it yet or not! Wishing you lots of luck with Eugene - he seems so sweet!

    I'm excited to see your pages for this amazing scrapbook and happy you found your way back. Welcome welcome! :)
  3. KimJ

    KimJ Did you check in the refrigerator?

    Nov 28, 2009
    What a wonderful reason to come back to digiscrapping! :beat Welcome back! :-)
  4. Tree City

    Tree City Get a stepladder, I'm busy

    Sep 28, 2011
    I agree with Kim: such a wonderful reason to get back to scrapping! :)
  5. cfile

    cfile My bags are packed for Platform 9 3/4

    Sep 2, 2011
    Sarah that is fantastic and how wonderful.. So glad you are back scrapping too!!! I will keep you and your family in my prayers that all will go well and that you can get together in person soon!
  6. wvsandy

    wvsandy Grinning Granny

    Apr 15, 2011
    What a wonderful story! Let me know if I can help.
  7. Angela Toucan

    Angela Toucan I keep looking for THAT wardrobe

    Nov 6, 2017
    what a fabulous story. Welcome back, and hello.
  8. KarenB

    KarenB I like dogs. And maybe three people.

    Apr 16, 2013
    What a heart warming story! I love how he decided that you would be his family. It will be so special when you eventually get to make him part of your family in person! Good to see you back and happy scrapping :)
  9. SeattleSheri

    SeattleSheri Movers, cleaners, great hair. I'm a socialite!

    May 1, 2010
  10. HeatherB

    HeatherB Ain't nothin wrong with a few dust bunnies!

    Jun 2, 2010
    What an amazing story. Thank you for sharing! Welcome back!
  11. AliSarah

    AliSarah Oh great. Now I have pixie dust in my hair!

    Dec 16, 2016
    Thanks, everyone!! Here's Eugene's Bowling page. Looking at it now, and remembering how excited he was about it, it is kind of amazing how something so simple made him so happy. Some of his other pages are more beautiful than this one, but I can't bring myself to put a sticker over his face, so we'll just have to wait to see them, I guess!!


  12. Christina W

    Christina W Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2017
    Thank you for sharing that story. What a wonderful things you have done for this young man, and so many other children as well! Sending you so many good wishes for the coming months! :beat
  13. Cherylndesigns

    Cherylndesigns All glasses should be bigger than 1.5 oz

    Dec 15, 2017
    How exciting!!! I LOVE your story and can't wait to see more pages about your journey!! Welcome back!!
  14. gonewiththewind

    gonewiththewind I choose joy.

    Dec 15, 2009
    Oh, what a great story and I'm so glad you are back with us!
  15. cookingmylife

    cookingmylife Pizza would be my last meal, except ...

    Aug 1, 2012
    What else is there to say!!! Glad you're back and he's Zooming with his people.
  16. Karen

    Karen Wiggle it, just a little bit!

    Jun 28, 2008
    What an amazing story! I love that you have the heart for kids like you do and I sure hope things work out for you with this young man! I love that he was so excited for your scrapbook pages and I love that it got you back to scrapping again. :agree
  17. Scrapping with Liz

    Scrapping with Liz Crafts for days.

    Dec 19, 2015
    Oh wow! :heartlub What a rollercoaster. This story is amazing. Praying you can all be together soon.
  18. AliSarah

    AliSarah Oh great. Now I have pixie dust in my hair!

    Dec 16, 2016
    Here's the story of Eugene's Room:

    And photos of the room:

    I will put these pages side by side in his album! :)

    norton94 and Scrapping with Liz like this.
  19. meganmecrazy

    meganmecrazy Caution: Randomly Breaks Out into Show tunes

    Jun 23, 2009
    Such an amazing story! Welcome back!!! :love
  20. JenEm

    JenEm Pollywog

    Mar 6, 2012
    What a wonderful story, Sarah. Welcome back to The Pad! :beat

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