Monthly Muse Challenge- April 2020- WEEK 1

Discussion in 'Art Journaling' started by MrsPeel, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. MrsPeel

    MrsPeel LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

    May 7, 2012
    Ladies, I am SOOOOOOO sorry I didn't think on claryfing the Postal Code thing......
    I will edeit the opening post, but.....
    even though everything you have already done is MORE THAN OK.... as this is an INPIRATION challenge.....
    the Post Code is a Zip Code.

    Not sure about Australia @A-M Anne Marie...... but the "gooigle your postcode" command is supposed to make you go to the street map, type your code number in the map search bar, and it would give you it- I did it with a code from when we lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina, because I had the most impressive memories that could be put into images..... so this was it:

    Screenshot 2019-06-30 at 14.35.50.png

    apologies for the huge image, but if I need to open the other computer to resize I wont get to my lunch LOL

    anything you want to do based on this idea is FINE and wonderful!!!!!

    @Janisn mine also is more towards the teenage years than childhood.....
    ANY TIME or anyway you want to take this challenge is fine...the MOST IMPORTANT THINGS IS THAT YOU ENJOY MAKING THE PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I will get to your galleries later on .... YOU ROCK!!!!!!
    Cherylndesigns and A-M like this.
  2. MrsPeel

    MrsPeel LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

    May 7, 2012
    @A-M @Dalis @Sokee @AJK @Cherylndesigns @CarolynJoyce77 @BevG @Janisn @Dady @SharLamb @Pups_r_Paps @KAPOH

    My dear girls, the ones of you who have made pages, they are AWESOME!!!! will be coming to your galleries later on :)
    I edit the opening post just in case next people who come to read have questions.... but, as I said in bold, this is meant to be a prompt to ins[ire, so any way that you enjoy taking the challenge to, is more than fine!!!! You are talents and I LOOOOVE that you create and bring different looks to the same idea!!!!!!!! Thanks so so much for playing!!!!!!!!!!
    Cherylndesigns and A-M like this.
  3. julianz

    julianz Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2016
    Thanks for that clarification. Looking at your layout, I had come to the conclusion you'd used Google maps to get the basis for your page. Which is a very cool concept.
    MrsPeel likes this.
  4. AJK

    AJK I plead the 5th ...

    Apr 18, 2012
    I had a lot of fun with this. I found so much using Google Earth! I found a pic of my first home- though it has been altered by now. And in the process I connected the dots between p laces I remembered but as a child I thought they were located differently! And they were actually close to each other, which makes sense, but as a little kid (ages7-11) most trips seem longer than they really are. Anyway, it was a blast seeing everything! I spent about 4 hours doing the looking! So thanks for the memory lane adventure!
  5. mcurtt

    mcurtt give me all the paleo brownies

    Jan 2, 2015
    Being born & raised in Chicago, the streets are based on a grid system. So that is what you see here, my neighborhood. It is complete with the church, two schools, a park, a couple of grocery stores, a parking lot, busy traffic, a bakery, an ice cream shop, a candy store, a banquet hall, my home, my friends' & family homes, a dry cleaners, three taverns, a fast food carry-out, a library, a shopping area, a couple of factories (including one where I had a summer job). And while I had to condense down & eliminate some of the streets, this is pretty realistic as to where shops & buildings are placed. I had visions of adding stitching around the city blocks, but with the stitching, my layout looked too cluttered. :lmao

    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
  6. A-M

    A-M Not a lot of hustle in my hustle anymore

    May 3, 2016
    I used a map of the town I grew up in using just a small section where my street was - we lived at 16 Kenilworth Street. This was done quickly as I wanted to take part in this but I have a long list of other projects I need to be working on so this was done in a rush but I did enjoy it. Thankyou @MrsPeel Cynthia for letting me take a stroll through some of my childhood memories.

    CarolynJoyce77, mcurtt and Skivvy like this.
  7. Skivvy

    Skivvy Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2019
    Awesome challenge.

    CarolynJoyce77 and AJK like this.
  8. MrsPeel

    MrsPeel LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

    May 7, 2012
    OMG bless you ALL!!!!!!! I am soooooo so loving these pages!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    @A-M Annemarie LOVE love and LOVE more!!!!! so so glad that I could explain myself a bit (a lot LOL) better and your guys are enjoying!!!!!
    @Skivvy @AJK @A-M @mcurtt not clicking "like" on your posts here as I do it usually after I commented in your galleries so I don't miss anyone... but I am with a heart full of joy even just at a glance here!!!!!

    @julianz glad you worked it out!!!!!!! can't wait to see what you come up with!!!!!

    I'm in the middle of something, but will be in your galleries today for sure!!!!!!!
    mcurtt and Cherylndesigns like this.
  9. Angela Toucan

    Angela Toucan I keep looking for THAT wardrobe

    Nov 6, 2017
    I can't google my childhood streets as I grew up in the military. Tried doing that recently as my children wanted to see where I grew up. But they are blocked to google. I'll need to think a bit sideways on this one - may be the house where I lived when my children were born.
  10. wvsandy

    wvsandy Grinning Granny

    Apr 15, 2011
    Wonderful challenge and fascinating LOs being created! I wish they were all hanging on a wall in a museum so we could stroll by and really enjoy looking at them! Cynthia, I never would created this without your inspiration, Thank you!
  11. MrsPeel

    MrsPeel LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

    May 7, 2012
    Angela, is about inspiration, doesn't need to be word per word, just grab a piece of a map, you can change the time span, or just grab any piece of any map to guide the sections.... and scrap the memories whatever way you would like I said whatever your mind, creativity and enjoying the scrapping takes you :)
    Angela Toucan likes this.
  12. Angela Toucan

    Angela Toucan I keep looking for THAT wardrobe

    Nov 6, 2017
  13. AJK

    AJK I plead the 5th ...

    Apr 18, 2012
    @mcurtt You crack me up. I love your Layout. I too had so many more things I wanted to put on my page!
    mcurtt likes this.
  14. flowersgal

    flowersgal I have big ears and wide arms

    Feb 14, 2014
    I was intrigued by this challenge. But I almost gave up on it trying to fit 25 pounds into a 5 pound bucket so to speak. So here's what I finally came up with:

  15. Dalis

    Dalis Jose Cuervo is NOT a good friend

    May 6, 2011
    Ok, this was hard, because I don't remember much of my childhood I was not allowed to go outside the house because I was always sick. I did have a pink bunny and a hippo plush toys that were my best friends.

  16. RJMJ

    RJMJ There is a shade of red for every woman.

    Apr 27, 2013
    Hey Everyone...I Can't Really Understand This Challenge...I Tried To Get A Map Of Where I Grew Up On Google..I Can't Figure Out How To Make It Bigger Without It Being Too Blurry To Read...I Don't Really Get This At All...???...How Do You Make A Quilt Design Anyway???...I'm Just Confused?...I Can't Figure Out How To Save The Map To My Computer Either?...Or How To Enlarge It?...Makes No Sense To Me...The Map Is Too Small & You Can't Read It...It Is Blurry & Looks Terrible...Over My Head I Guess...
  17. AJK

    AJK I plead the 5th ...

    Apr 18, 2012
    @RJMJ I searched for a "Crazy quilt template" image and downloaded a large/high res. version. Then filled it in with the details. My Google Earth search helped me locate things- but they weren't exactly in the same area- but the same state. For me, I used Lake Erie, Cedar Point, Mohican State Park, and my first home in Butler Ohio. I don't think Cynthia is wanting to be restrictive in this challenge- so you may interpret it as you wish- right @MrsPeel ?
    OH! And I made a few screen shots of the map, but never used them, lol!
    MrsPeel likes this.
  18. MrsPeel

    MrsPeel LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

    May 7, 2012

    GO back up to my initial post, read it slowly, take in what I said.
    YOU DO NOT need to make a quilt, that is a figurative speech, also, you dont need to make exactly what the map shows, let your imagination tale you wherever you wanna go, the Muse is supposed to be an inspiration, there is no pressure, this is not MOC, just grab what you want, look at other people's pages, but, above all, read my initial post.

    Apologies (to you all) I am not much around, I have been ill these past few days and my daughter is too, needless to exp;lain how in times of effing virus this is making me a bit anti-social, I am so sorry, we are waiting for our doctor to arrange an urgent CT scan for Sarita (DD) I will have to just grin and bear it

    BUT once again, read the initial post ....look at other pages.... and let your imagination create whatever you feel :heartlub:heartlub:heartlub @RJMJ
    cfile and BevG like this.
  19. MrsPeel

    MrsPeel LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

    May 7, 2012
    @AJK RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

    the phrase "turn it into a quilt of memories" is figurative.
    great if you want to use stitches, great if you if want to go in other direction.
    The "quilt" thing refers to different pieces put together, the idea of doing it with the map is interesting, but if you just w3ant to use a part through , change it, whatever, the idea is doing a few segments to represent good (or not so good or whatever) memories

    @RJMJ if you are on google maps, the kind I showed up in the initial post, there are control at the right hand bottom of your map that allow you to zoom in or out, but you don't need to use the map if you don't want to.......
    The Monthly Muse wa`s born by the hand of Eron @mimisgirl to be an inspiration, so, don;t stress, my lovely, just do whatever your artsy mind tales you .

    Huggzz to you al
  20. StefanieS

    StefanieS Think it over, think it under

    Jan 2, 2014
    Decided to play along, this is artsy for me and the postal code is visible, sorry if I missed the intention of the challenge.

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