What's your favorite Broadway tune?

Discussion in 'Chatty Pad' started by NancyP, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. NancyP

    NancyP All you need is a little bit of pixie dust

    Jan 16, 2014
    I was just sitting here listening to Memories from the Broadway show Cats. I LOVE Andrew Lloyd Webber!! He is awesome!!! And his shows are awesome? Have you ever seen a Broadway Show? Not necessarily in New York, as they do travel. My two absolute favorites are Cats and Phantom of the Opera. I had the privilege of working backstage as a costume changer when the Broadway show, Cats, came to Daytona Beach. What a thrill that was!!! Then one year for our anniversary, my sweet hubby surprised me with tickets to Phantom of the Opera which was playing in Orlando.
    So what is your favorite Broadway tune? I actually have two, one, of course, is Memories from Cats and the other is Music of the Night from Phantom of the Opera. I play them over and over.
  2. chigirl

    chigirl Candy Corn junkie

    Jun 20, 2010
    love the Phantom soundtrack!
  3. klee73010

    klee73010 I might have a thing for drummers

    Apr 25, 2015
    I was gifted a bunch of Broadway musical soundtracks. Wicked and Phantom are my favorite soundtracks. I've seen both of those, which might be why I love them the most, and can listen to the whole thing. I also have seen Beauty and the Beast (I was a child when we went) and Lion King (probably about 10 years ago now), and can listen to songs here and there from those. Defying Gravity from Wicked is probably my favoritist favorite soundtrack song.
    ~Mary likes this.
  4. jk703

    jk703 CEO of Anything and Everything, Everywhere

    Sep 17, 2012
    Over the years, I have been to a number of Broadway shows. There is nothing quite like going to a show in the city, and walking around watching the tourists, lol!

    I saw Miss Saigon when it was on Broadway way back when and that was an awesome show. To see the helicopter on the stage, and the whole love story was amazing. I've heard that they will be bringing this back to Broadway next year, and I'd love to go see it again, even if there are changes. I just imagine it will be wonderful to see again!

    Another favorite was Beauty and the Beast. Absolutely so much fun!

    I really, really want to see Rock of Ages and Wicked. Haven't gotten to see those yet! If they ever came back, Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music, too!

    I don't think I have favorite Broadway tunes, but Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music are my all time favorite movies/shows.
    enjoyyourpix likes this.
  5. NancyBeck

    NancyBeck Happy resident of Pollyville

    Jan 26, 2014
    That's easy, "Memories" from Cats is my number one too. I was gifted the book of poems that the Cat's tunes are based on and I knew every word of every one by heart!
    But today I'm walking around singing a tune from the Producers. I think it was the last song I listened to on my morning walk. Honestly, I don't even remember the name of it, but it's sung by the female lead and is about her Mother telling her that if nature blesses you from top to bottom, put your hidden pleasures on display. My grandson is singing along with me, but I'm pretty sure he has no idea what it is about :)
  6. dawninskip

    dawninskip Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2009
    We made our first trip to NY last year (want to go back!) and went to see the Lion King on Broadway - any track from that I love. Saw The Lion King when it first came to London years ago, a very different show, but they were both just as amazing.
  7. jesskab

    jesskab Watch me sizzle & twizzle

    May 5, 2012
    We used to see the shows in San Francisco before we had kids. Hubby & I saw Phantom on a high school field trip when we were teenagers. That was a first for both of us. We both loved Hairspray & Jersey Boys. Neither of us liked Light on the Piazza nor Edward Scissorhands. The best show we ever saw was by a fluke. We were on vacation in L.A. & decided to see if there were any last minute tickets available to any show. We were lucky enough to see David Hyde Pierce in Curtains, this was before it hit Broadway. Oh my gosh, it was hilarious & just so entertaining. I've gone off topic again. Not sure I have a favorite song. I am a big fan of Rodgers and Hammerstein. "Oklahoma" and "I'm Gonna wash that man Right Outta my hair" are at the top of my list.
  8. AmaG

    AmaG Born in the wrong decade

    Apr 30, 2013
    I love Phantom and Jesus Christ Superstar
  9. bestcee

    bestcee In love with places I've never been to

    Dec 18, 2013
    I don't know if I have a favorite song.
    I saw Phantom of the Opera in Toronto in a theatre built expressly for it as a kid. I loved it! Nick and I saw Lion King in Boston, and I saw Daniel Radcliffe in How to succeed in business in NYC. And another one that I can never remember the title of!
  10. ~Mary

    ~Mary Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth

    Dec 14, 2015
    We missed Wicked when it was here last year but I know the soundtrack by heart. Love Cats of course and we did see that one somewhere. I like a lot of the older showtunes...many, many of them. I really love the movies that come from Broadway shows, my very most favorite being Fiddler on the Roof.
  11. Tiff

    Tiff I don't need no stinking playlists!

    Jan 8, 2010
    Sondheim musicals are the only ones I'm really familiar with ... and I am quite familiar with them as I was kind of a Sondheim geek back in college. On our drive home on the weekend, my husband was playing some music in the car, and some glitch happened on his phone, and suddenly the songs got completely random, and we switched from his metal music to Sondheim's Assassins! So the rest of the drive home we listened to Sondheim (I was driving so I got to choose from that point on!)

    My favorite is a song called The Glamorous Life (Bonus Track) from the musical A Little Night Music. I don't think it was in the original production. It is a totally touching song about a girl's sheer infatuation with her glamorous, but absentee, mother. At least, I always assumed the daughter had sheer infatuation for her mother. That's what it sounds like in the song, but I've never seen a production.

    I'm also quite fond of You'll Never Get Away from Me from Gypsy.
  12. Nemla

    Nemla Stretching my skill set

    Apr 24, 2013
    Anything Cats , Miss Saigon and Les miserables, but absolute favourite Is Joseph and his Technicolor dream coat.
  13. MrsPeel

    MrsPeel LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

    May 7, 2012
    ohhhhh Nancy!!!!!!! I CAN NOT choose just one!!!!!!!!!
    we are musical theater people in this family, my mum did perform, but my grandpa didn;t allow her to go in as a profession. Sarita's dad, Sarita & myself, all performers....and carzy about musicals, Sarita got a degree in Performing Arts/Musical Theatre already.... I guess if I had to go for I would choose one musical but even so....
    I LOVE Hair.
    PHantom also, most fo the songs are awesome, but since 2008 it has to be Wicked!!!!!!
    especially Defying Gravity!!!!

    watch it, is awesomeeeeee!!!!!!!

    but then there is Legally Blond, I LOVE love LOOOOVE Godspell, and a very very old one called Chess, the mian song I know him so well.... I
    yzerbear19 likes this.
  14. NancyP

    NancyP All you need is a little bit of pixie dust

    Jan 16, 2014
    Oh Cynthia!! You and I must have been sisters in another life! I have been involved in theater pretty much my whole life. Mostly backstage but once in a while I would get brave and take a part. I LOVED being in Circus and Anne. Yes, I also love Godspell and also Jesus Christ, Superstar, which I also performed in. Of course this is all local theater. There is nothing like theater people!!!!
    MrsPeel likes this.
  15. Karen

    Karen Wiggle it, just a little bit!

    Jun 28, 2008
    So my favorites shows are Wicked, Phantom, Miss Saigon and Aida. I think Defying gravity has to be my favorite of all time songs though. SO good! Now I want to go see a show again! :) I think I'll have to listen to one of these at work today. :)
    MrsPeel likes this.
  16. Chippi

    Chippi Those chicken nuggets are just waiting to attack

    Dec 22, 2015
    I have never been to a live musical, but I love them so much. I love Phantom, I love Annie, I love Wicked, argh, the list goes on! I think my favourite, favourite is Defying Gravity!
    MrsPeel likes this.
  17. wvsandy

    wvsandy Grinning Granny

    Apr 15, 2011
    I love them all!! Theater music is probably my favorite genre. I love music from My Fair Lady, West Side Story, South Pacific, Cats, Les Mis, Wicked, Sound of Music, Hair, Music Man, Annie, Annie Get Your Gun, Phantom, etc., etc. This is my favorite music to sing!
  18. scrappyjedi

    scrappyjedi Patience you must have, my young padawan

    Jul 21, 2014
    Those are my two favorites, as well! I've never actually seen Cats, and I've only seen the Phantom movie, but I had CDs of the soundtracks for both when I was a kid and listened to them repeatedly- I couldn't get enough of Sarah Brightman and Michael Crawford!
  19. yzerbear19

    yzerbear19 CT - Krista Sahlin

    Sep 19, 2010
    Easy . . . . "Defying Gravity" from Wicked. I saw it on tour and in Chicago, but would have loved to have seen Idina in it.

    I also love the soundtrack from the Civil War. My favorite is "The Glory"

    We just missed seeing it in Gettysburg the one week. I think it was there a few days after we had left. The songs from it are all beautiful. Many of them make me cry.
    MrsPeel likes this.
  20. MrsPeel

    MrsPeel LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

    May 7, 2012
    Oh Idina & Kristin!!!!!!! they are my ideal cast for anything!!!! I have to say, we have the match here in London: Rachel Tucker and Louise Dearman, we saw them , I went twice with them and my dau7ghter 4 times with them (she has seen Wicked 9 times, me ...a mere 4 LOL) at this very moment we have them back at thye West End (our Broadway) as is 10 years of Wicked in the UK...we are planning toi go day seat (my daughter goes at 4 or 5 am to queue until box office opens at 10 am, they sell the front row at less than half price, first comes, first served, only 2 tickets per person!) If you have time, search You Tube for them on Defying Gravity...they are awesome, and Rachel Ticker does the most amazing No Good Deed!!!!!

    @NancyP !!!!!! yes!!!!! I think we are so alike!!!!!! LOVE that you love musicals!!!!
    and I am delighted to see how many of you are musicals people!!!!
    some of my friends are alergic to musicals LOL we are music lovers in general...but in this house...every situation gets us to break into song, and there is ALWAYS a musical to sing or adapt to the situation LOL
    One of my most loved musicals is Chicago... I got to be ensemble for a while and enjoyed so much, and then I had all that jazz as my opening song for years when we tour with bands...
    ok, now I think I need some sleep....!!!!!!!! LOL cant be away from you guys for long!!!

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