

LoveItScrapIt, Jan 9, 2016
Using: Stay True to Myself by Etc. by Danyale

It has been said that a poet’s work is the autobiography to their life. For me this is true. Poetry has been with me as long as I can remember. I started writing when I was 8 years old. I didn’t know then that poetry would become my therapy but it has.

Poetry has been my place of solace. The place I went and told all my secrets. The place that never judged me for overeating. The place that never blamed me for the sexual abuse I endured. The place that consoled me when my heart was broken. The place that allowed me to be angry but not vengeful. They say writing can heal. I agree and in fact I know that without my poetry I would most likely be a different person today. Without the pages to carry the weight of my burdens I may not have been able to stand tall in this life. Without poetry I believe I would have been lost.

So I write my truths onto the page with vigor and soul. I write my fears and my dreams. I write my failures and my successes. I write my frustration with the injustices of this world and my thoughts about being a mom. I write it ALL because it keeps me sane. I write it ALL because it allows me to breathe. I write because sometimes it’s ALL I can do. I write because it’s how I stay true to myself.

Quotes in between the lines
1. “Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn” - Thomas Gray
2. “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words” - Robert Frost
3. “To be a poet is a condition, not a profession” - Robert Frost
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