That Darn Dog/Cat | Pad Patter 11.09.2020

Discussion in 'Chatty Pad' started by FarrahJobling, Nov 9, 2020.

  1. FarrahJobling

    FarrahJobling FarrahJobling

    Dec 17, 2012

    OMG...I'm cracking up!
  2. FarrahJobling

    FarrahJobling FarrahJobling

    Dec 17, 2012
    Oh....I'd forgotten about the time my older dog was a puppy and got into the trash where there was an *unmentionable little white mouse*....used....ewwww...she ATE it!!! *gag* To make matters worse, it got stuck on the way out and I had pull that little sucker out and that very day bought new trash bins with lids. *insert barfy emoji* Blech....I'd blocked it from my memory.
  3. HeatherB

    HeatherB Ain't nothin wrong with a few dust bunnies!

    Jun 2, 2010
    Jasper is a 7 year old black lab. He's pretty well behaved except for the whole tissues in the garbage can - he occasionally gets into the bathroom garbage and eats them if he thinks we aren't paying attention. He knows it is wrong, because if I catch him, he slinks away, with a really guilty look on his face. Another habit is loading up when he drinks so that the water drools out of his mouth. We have a hardwood floor, so we put his water bowl in the bathroom which has lino so that the wood floors don't get wet. And other than him trying to pee in the wrong spot in the backyard (we have a terraced yard and he is only allowed to "go" in the lower terrace), that's pretty much it.
    FarrahJobling likes this.

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