
Discussion in 'Fit Pad' started by AmberR, May 10, 2012.

  1. AmberR

    AmberR Take that naysayers! Pink is my color.

    Sep 2, 2011
    Is anyone a member over at slimkicker? I joined up a week or two ago and then ignored it. Today, I am actually taking a minute to really look at it and am liking it. There are CHALLENGES!!! and check-ins to hold you accountable. I love a good challenge, esp. when I can level up and win points.

    If anyone is a member, I'd love to add friends to help keep me accountable. For some reason in the past year, I've gotten really bad with my fitness. I nearly hit my weight loss goal and was feeling SO GOOD. then I couldn't get to the gym anymore, got sick a lot, and lost my motivation. Like, once you stop, the thought of having to start over is so awful...I just kept putting it off. then I'd start up again and sabotage myself.

    SO. Summer is nearly here. Time is running out. I did put on 2 kilos since last summer which means my summer clothes are uncomfortably tight, PLUS I'm a bit depressed and have no energy. My solution: better nutrition and exercise again!

    Hoping with fingers crossed, that Slimkicker is going to help. ha ha ha!! I am zaubera on the site if anyone is a member and wants to add me! :wooot
  2. mishou

    mishou mishou

    May 1, 2010
    I have never heard of slimkicker before but it looks fun! I definitely need a kick in the pants for fitness too. When I got sick last month I totally fell off the exercise wagon and never got back on! :whistle

    I'm going to sign up when I get home from work tonight and then I'll add you!
  3. AmberR

    AmberR Take that naysayers! Pink is my color.

    Sep 2, 2011
  4. kelley

    kelley Gets excited over little green things.

    Jan 25, 2012
    I just signed up too Amber - I'd love to be friends with you on there! I didn't even know about it, but I totally need something like this. Exercise is my problem for sure, and I need some accountability.
  5. kelley

    kelley Gets excited over little green things.

    Jan 25, 2012
    Michelle, I'd love for you to add me too if you'd like!! I'm kelley there too :)
  6. AmberR

    AmberR Take that naysayers! Pink is my color.

    Sep 2, 2011
    Kelley - i got you. and you are rockin'! you are going to pass me right on by, sheesh!!! and oh Michelle! Where are you? ;) I love that the site has challenges to keep you accountable. I joined a few yesterday, one is called 'play with your kids'. I love that challenge. It got me out of the house yesterday, we biked to the next little town over to visit the 'Umweltgarten' (translates to environmental-park). This is a place with animals to look at (sheep, goats, ponies, rabbits, chickens...) a little pond, an eco-school, a playground, a wildflower meadow, a beekeeper (and his bees) and more. It's not big, but now that the kids are bigger, we can start exploring more than just the animals and playground.

    So we biked over yesterday and explored and as we were leaving, the kids got distracted by a man who was cleaning out the honeycomb box. They put the combs in there and let the sun melt the beeswax out of them. Then he comes by and tosses the combs and keeps the wax. So my kids slowly gravitated towards him and he HAPPILY explained to them what he was doing and then he showed us some honey that had been leftover and he let us taste it. OMG - pure heaven. sun-warmed honey straight from the honeycomb.........aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

    So. I digress. Slimkicker! the I think we are going to walk to the playground and try flying a kite.

    Other challenges include doing the 30 day shred - everyday. I've been trying to get myself doing this for MONTHS. Yay for accountability. and now I'm done chatting! :D

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