Our kitten is well and truly in the dog box!

Discussion in 'Chatty Pad' started by cherpea, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. cherpea

    cherpea Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2013
    Our kitten is 11 weeks old now and she has landed herself fair and square in the dog box today!

    Little booger has been scratching everything in sight though ignoring the scratching post we got for her... she has attacked my feet several times today but her last trick is by far the worst!

    Little booger jumped up onto my wheelie seat which was parked about a half meter away from the big lounge room window... the little rotter leapt from the seat towards the window ledge... got to it but couldn't land it... instead she ripped the net curtain pretty much all the way along it!!

    Seriously?!?!?!?! New curtain TRASHED!!!!! And then looked at me with her big gooey eyes with the "huh how did that happen?" look going on!

    Do your critters ever drive you totally bonkers?
  2. nockosh

    nockosh googy eggs for everyone!!!

    Jul 16, 2008
    oh dear bad kitty! Whilst reading this all I could think was my DH would be saying "see this is why we are never getting a cat"
  3. lkane12673

    lkane12673 I used to like 8th graders until they gave me grey

    Nov 4, 2012
    Declawing, my dear! I always do it with my kittehs.
  4. Peppermint

    Peppermint One Little Bird

    Apr 16, 2008
    Obviously I'm slacking in my "Sisko the Wonder Cat" posts, because ... yes! I have one critter in particular who drives me nuts fairly regularly. He's just really REALLY not that smart, and as a result he does all sorts of not smart things that just make me pause and stare at him like "WTH. Seriously?"

    Your kitten sounds like she's doing fairly normal kitten things - but the curtain thing would have me totally losing it. It's sort of like, you can't fault a baby for throwing up on your carpet but it still doesn't make you feel better about having puke all over your carpet. LOL I've always said that there's a reason why kittens and puppies are so adorable - it's so that they live long enough to make it to cats and dogs! That cuteness gets you through the "wanting to strangle them" phase when they're acting like total spazzes.
  5. renee82

    renee82 renee82

    Oct 23, 2007
    Oh no! That's almost something you only see in movies... or your house! ;)

    My dog drives me crazy at times, but he's a big sweetheart and he's hard to resist. :)
  6. kim21673

    kim21673 I'm slowly getting there!

    Jan 1, 2011
    Yikes!!!! The kitten stage is fun but a total headache too!!!!
  7. cherpea

    cherpea Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2013
    Pip the little booger is really cute though her other name is "she of very little brain!"

    She has run like a demented thing around the house all morning... has run full tilt smack bang into I don't know how many walls... has just tried using me as a climbing frame... has sat her furry butt on my kitchen table to chew on a parcel that arrived for my girls... and seems to think parking her furry butt on my feet is a perfectly acceptable place to sit!

    If she wasn't cute she would have well and truly been done in by now!
  8. amandac

    amandac Read, or Run? Hmmm ...

    May 25, 2010
    I agree with peppermint .... it is the age old mystery of why babies (animals and people) are so adorable with their huge sweet eyes and totally cute helpless faces ... so we don't throw them out the door when they do dumb baby things ROFL

    I'm sorry babe, but this is why my cats have all been rescue cats who have all been out of the kitty stage LOL ... poor Miss C! and poor sweet Pip!
  9. Peppermint

    Peppermint One Little Bird

    Apr 16, 2008
    Fortunately they seem to grow out of it and become the laziest creatures on earth. They still do annoying things but at a much slower pace. LOL
  10. cherpea

    cherpea Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2013
    Oh trust me Amanda if I had of had my way there would have been no dang kitten in this house! Another cat maybe (also rescued like our other cat)

    I was conned... conned I say... by the two legged babies (well not so baby either) in the house!
  11. cherpea

    cherpea Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2013
    Sophie (our older earthquake rescue cat) finally earnt her keep in the last couple of days... yesterday by catching and sitting on a mouse and wailing with the will you look at this wait they affect so well and then this morning by catching another damn mouse and killing it this time!

    The five new hens I bought home today will also earn their keep by laying eggs for us...

    It's just the short critter that has yet to prove her worth... well apart from being cute, shredding everything in sight and sometimes being a source of entertainment...
  12. karen perry

    karen perry LOCK THE DOOR!

    Jan 23, 2008
    Eek and that's the reason I don't have cats lol
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2013
  13. julia

    julia julia

    Jun 18, 2012
    Sorry about your curtains, we've had cats that ruined couches with their claws. But, you can't help loving them, at least I can't lol I guess it's one of those things, if you want a cat, you have to deal with these issues. Hope she starts behaving better soon lol
  14. strawberryredhead

    strawberryredhead Tacos, tostadas, tamales, OH MY!

    May 6, 2012
    Yep. When we had a cat we had to have her declawed. At first it was only the front, but when we bought leather furniture we got the back ones done, too. lol
  15. nun69

    nun69 Active Member

    Nov 3, 2012
    yep they are just like that...mine seem alot better now that I bought them an actual cat tower that has like 6 scratching posts on it...but I actually don't recommend declawing them because if they were to ever get outside they can't defend themselves without their front clothes....you could always keep a spray bottle of water close by and spray her when she is doing something she shouldn't be.....I have never had to do it, but I hear it works!
  16. staciahall

    staciahall Quidditch, anyone?

    Oct 29, 2010
    I got a kitten when I was living away at college. When I moved back home with my parents for my last year, my mom had never had cats and didn't really like the idea. She let her stay reluctantly... One night we came home from dinner and she was midway up the wall, crawling up the new wallpaper with her little kitty claws. I was mortified! Let's not even talk about the new curtains in that room...

    However, when I moved out when I was finished my mother said "You're not taking my cat!"

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