Other resolutions

Discussion in 'Chatty Pad' started by 1girl1boy, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. 1girl1boy

    1girl1boy Miss Glee!

    Aug 7, 2008
    Since we've talked scrapping resolutions, let's talk about those other ones. :groan Do you make them? Do you keep them?

    I generally try to avoid making grand declarations of new year's resolutions. I do however, try to set goals for what I want to accomplish in the new year though. For 2010, I'm putting myself back on the priority list. I really already started this with my return to a workout routine, but I need to make it an ongoing, continual thing. How about you?
  2. Lori Potts

    Lori Potts Stone Age Scrapper

    Aug 19, 2009
    Iam actually taking a journaling type approach to the new year.

    I dont do resolutions either but I have done the word of the year the past two years. So this time I am doing a total wellness approach in which I journal about each definition of the wellness dimensions and then choose 1-3 items that I can do to improve that aspect of wellness.

    I will spend a few months implementing those changes slowly with breaks to reflect on and incorporate those changes permanently. I can see myself coming back to this idea often through out the year and hopefully be more focused on my total wellness by the end of 2010.
  3. crystalbella77

    crystalbella77 Capture life and embrace it

    Sep 19, 2009
    I have a lot of personal goals for the New Year. Some I am scared of and worry about doing...but I am going to push through. Focusing on me and working on improving myself inside and out. My priorities are crazy out of whack and I would like to get things to the way they should be.

    I am going to try to clean up toxic relationships too...or learn how to deal with them better. lol! I want positivity overflowing for me and from me in 2010. 2009 had some insanely rough spots, but I am determined to make 2010 better. :D
  4. Paula

    Paula Kicks Challenge Butt!

    Jan 13, 2009
    I have many resolutions, and kept most of them from last year. Here's my list:

    1. Continue not drinking caffeinated drinks. If I succeed, it will be a full year.
    2. Continue to work on my weight loss - an ever growing problem. (Pun not intended) LOL
    3. Continue to do my daily scripture reading and prayer.
    4. Say something positive every day!
    5. Do a good deed daily - this is from the Boy Scouts, but I can do it for myself too. :)
  5. cherryberry

    cherryberry Hottie Patottie!

    Jul 18, 2009
    I really don't do New Years resolutions per say - it's too much pressure for one time of the year. I just try to change things as the thought comes to me. I don't feel healthy - time to work our regularly. The house is a mess - I need to do some daily cleaning. Meals are boring - I need to start menu planning .... I used to do resolutions but ... ah, they are just not for me.
  6. Lisa Carroll

    Lisa Carroll Lisa Carroll

    Sep 25, 2009
    Each year I try to find something to focus on for the year. This past year it was fitness and photography. I did ok with the fitness part of it although lately I am totally slacking off. Not sure what my focus will be this year. I might not do one since life is going to be really hectic and out of sync since we may be moving soon. I also set short and long term goals that I keep up with from year to year in a little mini I made a few years back. I never did get around to writing down 2009's goals.

    I am thinking about doing the Word of the year for the first time. My word is going to be Embrace.
  7. mrs2a50

    mrs2a50 Pretty much the best.ever.

    Apr 12, 2007
    I've done them before, never kept them. I'd love to be able to though. One of these days!
  8. colleen

    colleen Happy to be home!

    Apr 12, 2007
    i never make specific ones-mine are more general like needing to be more organized!
  9. wyowomanKristin

    wyowomanKristin A Rainbow of Colors

    Apr 12, 2007
    I am going to become a dinner-party-thrower.
  10. dst212 (Daniela)

    dst212 (Daniela) New Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    I don't do New Year resolutions, I know myself too well to know that I'll fail them just for the sake of failing. But I'm always resolving to lose weight. Does that count?
  11. mrs2a50

    mrs2a50 Pretty much the best.ever.

    Apr 12, 2007
    Kristin, I like that. A lot. I might have to steal it :)
  12. I am awful at keeping my resolutions so this year I say I should eat more chocolate, if I fail that's awesome and if I succeed well then i finally followed through LOL
  13. estir_bune

    estir_bune Guest

    I resolve not to resolve... been doing that for a few years and it works for me... I kinda got tired of making goals that I never reached. Kinda became self defeating....

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