How do you handle this?

Discussion in 'Chatty Pad' started by Kat, Feb 12, 2020.

  1. Tree City

    Tree City Get a stepladder, I'm busy

    Sep 28, 2011
    I couldn't agree more!
    HavaDrPepper likes this.
  2. Memaw2Wm

    Memaw2Wm Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
    Another boomer ... no retirement/pension plan for the first 25 years I worked for my current employer (41 years next month), now I have a SIMPLE IRA plan that my employer contributes to each year ... a matching contribution of no more than 3% of my yearly salary. No healthcare until I qualified for Medicare at 66 y.o. with the exception of the 5-6 years my former husband was military.

    I get frustrated with my granddaughter (23 y.o. and I raised her) when she whines about wanting to retire ... hello sweetheart you have a long, long way to go. Heck, I'm still working b/c I'm raising her younger brother and can't afford retire until I'm no longer supporting him and providing food/housing for him and his mother.

    My parents struggled to buy their first home (R.N. and attorney), we didn't have a TV until I was 7 ... no a/c in the house, no clothes dryer, one car ... each generation struggles in it's own way.

    But back to the subject ... yes it drives me nuts that new customers are offered better deals than long time customers. I have called and requested a better deal, but it's rarely near as good as a first-time customer offer.
    HavaDrPepper likes this.
  3. bestcee

    bestcee In love with places I've never been to

    Dec 18, 2013
    Blame it on Wall Street and stockholders.
    Yes, this doesn't necessarily apply to small companies, but if you notice, it's all about new users not retained customers when companies announce stock growth. Netflix is a prime example of this. If you look at the quarterly information, it has little to do with how many users, but focuses on new users.
    It's annoying and frustrating, but as long as stockholders control what is considered growth for a company, it's an endless cycle of bonuses for new users and forget the old users.
    Tree City likes this.
  4. gonewiththewind

    gonewiththewind I choose joy.

    Dec 15, 2009
    Personally, I think it's an unwise business move. It's typically much more cost effective for a company to provide offers to existing customers. Having said that, though, sometimes a company will find themselves in a situation where there is significant customer turn-over because of competing business offers, and they find themselves having to make more and more offers to new customers.

    How do I feel about it? I don't like it, and I typically won't stay with a company that won't provide me with an equal or similar offer.

    I think it's completely normal for this to bother you.

    Our internet service is one where I will routinely call to check on upgrades in service/quality, and at that time I will usually find out that I can bundle or try out different options. I don't like that it's on me to continually find out what's available, but I'm willing to do it because of the quality of their service and because they have always been able to offer me some kind of savings. Also, when I call with any customer service issue, they are quick to provide solutions, and I appreciate that as a long time customer.
    Kat likes this.
  5. Kat

    Kat Seeking wine/shopping/teeth brushing support group

    Oct 1, 2010
    Well, you know what I didn't stay with them. The manager FINALLY messaged me back (not sure if she was management or not) and gave me an option but it wasn't anything worthwhile. Just made more excuses. I spent almost 500 dollars to get the new set up I wanted and I already know the guy who owns it and he's amazing. I met him in person. It's a harder platform but lots more customization options and better SEO for my photography stuff. I got a few pages up to hold everything while I design it. In the long run, I feel better about paying more to a guy running a great business, with great customer service knowing he will make sure if I need anything I am taken care of. I do wish more businesses all around cared more about the people behind their sales/customers but it's just not the world we live in anymore sadly.
    bestcee and gonewiththewind like this.

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