Do you think you're funny? | Pad patter 01.11.2021

Discussion in 'Chatty Pad' started by FarrahJobling, Jan 12, 2021.

  1. FarrahJobling

    FarrahJobling FarrahJobling

    Dec 17, 2012
    In my mind, today is Monday...sorry all.

    Soooo...Do you think you're funny? I think I am Frick'n hilarious with my sarcastic and 13 yr old boy humor...but I was recently put in my place after someone said "I hate to be THAT person, but....." and I said "OK Karen" and apparently that hurt her feelings enough to get a nasty gram from a mutual friend THREE days later....umm...isn't that the very proof that she IS "karen"? ha ah ha...I thought it was funny because of her original statement.

    Also...I use "that's what she says" A LOT....LOL I'm not nearly as funny to other people as I think I am in my head. hahaha.

    How about you? Any stories about when you meant to be funny, but it totally backfired?
    ForeverJoy likes this.
  2. LeeAndra

    LeeAndra A total Betty.

    Oct 29, 2010
    I am accidentally funny AKA just a weirdo. :)

    I'm not quick on my feet with a joke or quip, and I could never do stand-up comedy. I do think about things in a different way than most people which comes out as talking about things in a different way than most. Some people find that funny... and some people don't.
    ForeverJoy and FarrahJobling like this.
  3. IntenseMagic

    IntenseMagic Some grannies cuss a lot. I'm some grannies.

    Feb 28, 2012
    LOL Oh Karen!
    I'm freaking hilarious ...and also a 13 year old boy :giggle
    "That's what she said" is my favorite!
    And fortunately, everyone who works in my classroom and lives in my house is the same, so we laugh a lot!!
    I can't think of a time it backfired really, but I've had a few eye rolls and more than likely some whispers behind my back :giggle
    Cherylndesigns and FarrahJobling like this.
  4. AnneofAlamo

    AnneofAlamo Slippers IN sunshine? Even better!

    Aug 30, 2009
    I do think I’m funny-and my whole life I wanted to be a stand up comedian. but
    I laugh at my own jokes.
    I have done stand up a few times, it was great!!
    Cherylndesigns and FarrahJobling like this.
  5. gonewiththewind

    gonewiththewind I choose joy.

    Dec 15, 2009
    I think I was funnier and more fun when I was younger. You know, the years take a toll! :groan

    I absolutely love puns and love sharing them. I do use "that's what she said" a lot as well. Enough so that my 15 y/o son burst out with it one day (and he used it correctly). I wasn't sure whether to be shocked or laughed, and in the end, I laughed.

    I am hilarious when I'm around my sister or a couple of my cousins. Something happens in that dynamic and we all are quick to make a joke or a pun or something equally hilarious ends up occurring.

    I do love storytelling, especially if there is something funny that happened. It's always good to look at life and be able to laugh!
  6. FarrahJobling

    FarrahJobling FarrahJobling

    Dec 17, 2012
    I can totally see you doing stand up!
    Cherylndesigns likes this.
  7. bestcee

    bestcee In love with places I've never been to

    Dec 18, 2013
    I think I'm funny. I crack myself up.
    But I also know that my humor can be dry, and sometimes when I deadpan something, it's totally misunderstood. I have to be really careful in text interactions because while I might smirk, I have to remember that others can't see my smirk.

    I quote Christmas Vacation jokes too often, and I'm learning too many people haven't watched that movie enough. That and the Simpsons.
    cfile likes this.
  8. jk703

    jk703 CEO of Anything and Everything, Everywhere

    Sep 17, 2012
    I think I'm funny. Add sarcasm, boy humor, dad jokes, willingness to embarrass myself, and weird to that too!

    I'm like Courtney, I have to watch the audience or how I'm communicating. Because of this, I tend to let my jokes out in front of people who really know me. Many times, I will think things, smirk or laugh, but nothing will be said out loud. So, then my face betrays me.

    I meme too often, lol! It's like a collection of memes in my phone.
    bestcee likes this.
  9. Scrapping with Liz

    Scrapping with Liz Crafts for days.

    Dec 19, 2015
    I'm married to a man who constantly jokes. He loves puns but also has a very dry sense of humor and when people first meet him they don't like him...and then they get to know him and they think he's hilarious.

    All that to say, after 21 years of marriage, his sense of humor is rubbing off on me and I'm becoming like him. LOL! I've never thought of myself as funny but as the years progress I think I may be getting funnier. Haha.
    cfile and jk703 like this.
  10. sakura-panda

    sakura-panda Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2013
    I don't think I'm funny (much), but my kids say that Dad Jokes are the bad puns and wordplays and Mom Jokes are the funny ones. LOL
    Donitab likes this.
  11. bcgal00

    bcgal00 Say, "birdseed!"

    Nov 18, 2010
    I have a dry sense of humour and my family “gets” my humour so we have fun together but most people wouldn’t think I’m very funny. Sometimes Bailey (my granddaughter) and I start cracking up at each other and laugh hysterically until we snort and cry. Those are the best times. Hubs and I have the same sense of humour. We are always quoting lines from movies, videos, etc and crack each other up but in public sometimes people just look at us blankly, like they don’t get what we said or why we’re laughing.
    cfile, jk703 and Cherylndesigns like this.
  12. Cherylndesigns

    Cherylndesigns All glasses should be bigger than 1.5 oz

    Dec 15, 2017
    I think I'm funny and my family does too. We're ALL freaking hilarious - of course, we're all a little bit cray-cray, too. Other people don't always think we're as funny as we think we are. When somebody doesn't think we're funny that even makes us crack up more. We can't even LOOK at each other if we're trying to stay serious. We always have to warn people who want to "fit in" that they have to have a sense of humor.

    Our whacky sense of humor has gotten us into trouble - we have been know to "laugh inappropriately".
  13. LynnZant

    LynnZant Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2015
    Each of my daughters have spit, choked, and snorted food/drink when things have come out of my mouth. I tend not to talk too much when we are eating. I can easily get my older to the point where she can breathe and she's red in the face while rolling around. You know, those precious mother/daughter moments.
    bestcee, jk703 and cfile like this.
  14. cfile

    cfile My bags are packed for Platform 9 3/4

    Sep 2, 2011
    I think I am funny too and crack myself up sometimes... This I have to share... way back when.. 1987... My parents had moved to Florida with Dad's employer, and they were keeping the house in NY for a year just in case my mother hated it so much they could come back "home" (which my Dad had no intention of doing). They allowed me to stay in the house for the year and my friend Carol moved in with me. We paid all the bills, except for the property taxes. Anyway, every week we would be clipping coupons and then we would go grocery shopping together.

    So here is Carol and I in the grocery. Carol is pushing the cart and we are in the dairy section. I start to laugh. Carol is like what is so funny? I said "Look Carol, they have Herman Cheese" she is looking at me with a quizzical expression and even the guy stocking the refrigerated section is looking at me like I had 3 heads.. at this point I am laughing uncontrollably that my eyes are tearing... Carol said "Christa, what are you laughing about?" and I had to tell her it was the "Muenster cheese".... Herman Munster LOL..


    I guess you had to be there but it really was very funny and if you were a child of the 60's in the US, you would get it.
  15. jk703

    jk703 CEO of Anything and Everything, Everywhere

    Sep 17, 2012
    I'm turning red, trying not to burst out laughing at work... and it's so quiet. Bwahahahahahha! That would be me... my mind is so strange and the tangents I follow, always have to be explained. Laughing is contagious, and I can picture this story!
    cfile likes this.
  16. cfile

    cfile My bags are packed for Platform 9 3/4

    Sep 2, 2011
    Lol I am still laughing all these years later! Glad I could brighten your day!
    jk703 likes this.
  17. dotcomkari

    dotcomkari The Deaf Superstar

    May 24, 2012
    I don't think I'm funny... I know I am..
  18. SeattleSheri

    SeattleSheri Movers, cleaners, great hair. I'm a socialite!

    May 1, 2010
    I’m definitely funnier (more fun?) in person :byay I’m always worried something is going to be taken the wrong way when written (especially if someone hasn’t previously met me in person) :love I do try to use a lot of emojis to help with that :D:lol

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