Child Adenoid Surgery

Discussion in 'Chatty Pad' started by cherryberry, Feb 26, 2011.

  1. cherryberry

    cherryberry Hottie Patottie!

    Jul 18, 2009
    Hi everyone :)

    Have any of your children had their adenoids out?

    My little guy needs his out soon (March 8th) and a turbinate dissection and I'm kind of freaking out. Is it a painful recovery? Do kids feel nauseous after the anesthesia? How do they get the IV in - I hope they knock him out with laughing gas before that. The Dr. said the surgery is no big deal since we opted not to get the tonsils out at the same time but I still feel apprehensive.

    Help me relax! :giggle
  2. sahlink

    sahlink sahlink

    Apr 29, 2009
    My daughter just had hers out this last August (as did I last Feb).
    She did beautifully!
    Why there is some pain involved, it seemed to be really manageable with the meds they give you. I do recommend an electric heat pad though, becuase having tonsils and adenoids out will create ear pain after a couple days. And the heat pad, helped immensely for that (for both with me and my DD). One thing I would do is to explain to your child how he will go to sleep (by putting a mask over his face, then he go to sleep. I didn't do this with my daughter and she became very overwhelmed until I was able to calm her down. Then she drifted off nicely.

    All and all.... really not that bad for kids (my surgery however was quite the opposite for an adult) I would say my DD was eating almost normal within a day or so... just nothing sharp mind you.

    Good luck hun. I think the parents are more worried than the kids are.
  3. AnneofAlamo

    AnneofAlamo Slippers IN sunshine? Even better!

    Aug 30, 2009
    hugs to you, my oldest now 14 had his out 4 years ago. And it is harder on momma than it was on him.
    They gave my son and IV first, and that was the only scary thing for him, but the nurse explained and showed it all to him and we took pictures and laughed. They put the meds in that, that made him all happy! He had the goofiest smile from the drugs.
    The surgery office gave him a little dog stuffed animal. I would call and see what they do to make it more comfy for your child.
    My son loved jello pudding pops, the fruit ones hurt his throat, then moved to poached eggs, top raman and then after 3 days he was fine and dandy!
    The best part, in the last 4 years he has not had strep throat at all, and we were having him on antibiotics about every other month prior!
  4. cherryberry

    cherryberry Hottie Patottie!

    Jul 18, 2009
    Thanks for sharing your stories. They make me feel better. Oh Krista - I'm so sorry you had to have yours out as an adult. Belated Hugs. I'm debating getting mine out, and to be honest, it scares me so I keep putting it off. I've heard it's one of the top most painful surgeries you can have as an adult.
  5. Jassie

    Jassie New Member

    Sep 26, 2010
    My son had his removed along with his tonsils in January. He was getting severe ear infections because his adenoids were blocking his nasal drainage and it made his ear get clogged with fluid and caused a chronic infection for almost a whole month. Not to mention the trouble he was having breathing and his horrible snoring at night. After the surgery, he was in pain for about a week and a half but mostly cause of the tonsil removal. He was 100% good after about 2 weeks. I was more freaked out than he was. Especially since I wasn't prepared for how in pain he was in, when he woke up from the anesthesia in the recovery room. He's breathing a whole lot better at night now and he hasn't had an ear infection since!
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2011
  6. groenhop

    groenhop Takes advice from 3 year olds.

    Oct 29, 2010
    My kids haven't had there's out but I had mine w/ tonsils removed when I was 12-13 I think. Just wanted to let you know we'll be thinking about your little one!
  7. bderby

    bderby No, I will not tell you what "merde" means!

    Jul 11, 2009
    my son had his adenoids out in November (along with tubes) and he did really well with the adenoids part. I think he had minimal pain and was really back to normal fairly quickly. They didn't do the laughing gas with him. They gave him Versed to drink which basically made him very very loopy (and it kind of gives them a bit of amnesia--he doesn't remember any of it) before they wheeled him out and that way they didn't start the IV while he was awake. He didn't like having the IV when he woke up, but like someone else said, I think it was much harder on me than it was on him.

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