Comments on Profile Post by Rachel Jefferies

  1. Sokee
    wish I lived close I'd come for a cuppa tea and some craft supplies!
    Sep 2, 2020
    Rachel Jefferies likes this.
  2. Angela Toucan
    Angela Toucan
    I've got that tomorrow. Bless your heart.
    Sep 2, 2020
    Rachel Jefferies likes this.
  3. busywoman139
    Hope you all have a great day!
    Sep 2, 2020
    Rachel Jefferies likes this.
  4. Rachel Jefferies
    Rachel Jefferies
    Thanks @Angela Toucan Best of luck to you all for tomorrow
    Thank you @busywoman139 i've kind of just been clock watching to be honest for pick up time again, feeling anxious all day but Mackenzie enjoyed having the house to herself and access to Keatons toys with no arguments about sharing!!
    @Sokee wouldn't that be cool, you're so sweet :)
    Sep 2, 2020
    busywoman139 and Angela Toucan like this.