Pad Patter: 12/9 Hitting the Wall?

Discussion in 'Chatty Pad' started by AnneofAlamo, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. AnneofAlamo

    AnneofAlamo Slippers IN sunshine? Even better!

    Aug 30, 2009
    I exercise because I want to live and live without being unhealthy. I see people who just run because they LOVE it, and others that become addicted to exercise. I am not getting the love or desire. I seriously have to force myself out the door, down the walk and push myself the whole time I am exercising not to quit and take a short cut home!:giggle
    Those that are addicted...what is your secret?

    those that aren't, give me some justification! hahah
  2. renee82

    renee82 renee82

    Oct 23, 2007
    I can't say that enjoy exercising, but my mantra is "I never regret doing it". So anytime I try to talk myself out of going for my planned run or planned gym time I always tell myself that I always regret not going but never regret when I do.
  3. jaye

    jaye My other car is a Zamboni!

    May 6, 2012
    Everyday I say I am going to......hasn't happened yet :giggle but I really really need to.
  4. NancyBeck

    NancyBeck Happy resident of Pollyville

    Jan 26, 2014
    Anne, my sentiments entirely! Can't say as if it always makes a difference, but I do try to tell myself I'm letting the dog down if I don't, lol! Do you have a dog? Renee, I know you are absolutely right about that mantra, I must say I agree with you when you say you've never regretted doing it, but have had many a regret for not. The other thing I tell myself is that I just seem to be sharper and get more done when I include a long walk in my day, but it works in reverse too, it's very easy to say I don't have time today! Constant struggle to do what's right for sure!
  5. staciahall

    staciahall Quidditch, anyone?

    Oct 29, 2010
    My dog would be the one trying to take the shortcut home... :giggle

    {not that I'm running anywhere}
  6. PLM

    PLM I know there's something in the wake of your smile

    Jun 28, 2014
    I always say 'I will', but there is always something coming in between. I did my running when winter wasn't there yet, but now I really need something else!!! Help!!!
  7. javamonster

    javamonster Rwaarrr!

    Feb 2, 2012
    I got nuthin'. I have a few new DVDs and signed up for an at home pace yourself thing, and I still haven't gotten off my butt. BUT I am slowly changing my eating habits so I can get rid of the sludgy feeling.
  8. bcgal00

    bcgal00 Say, "birdseed!"

    Nov 18, 2010
    I have never "liked" exercise but try to push myself to do it to stay healthy and strong. If there were a pill I could take instead...I would :)
  9. jenn mccabe

    jenn mccabe She's OUR sunshine!

    Jan 5, 2013
    i like this mantra!

    i have been a lazy slug with both eating habits and excercise. i have never been addicted to it and wish i was (my husband is addicted to running in a crazy insane way) and even watching him doesn't seem to help me or motivate me much. this AM i started out with a healthy breakfast but by the afternoon I'm sure i will screw that up ... cave & eat something completely bad for me.

    my treadmill stopped working and we are hunting for a new "used" one and we have a nice new exercise area all ready to go in the basement ... so hoping after the holidays i will be ready and game for a change.

    good luck to you anne ... it is so hard. i am routing for you! btw, how have you made out since posting this thread???
  10. AnneofAlamo

    AnneofAlamo Slippers IN sunshine? Even better!

    Aug 30, 2009
    oh I walk, I do it. I have to or I explode into super plus size too quick! I just want that addiction to some day happen! lol
  11. dvhoward

    dvhoward Don't bother me before 10am!

    Oct 17, 2012
    I'm searching for my discipline to exercise each day.
  12. littlekiwi

    littlekiwi I charge by the hour for anything before noon

    Jan 21, 2012
    Me too, I was better until I moved home but now...well
  13. Karen

    Karen Wiggle it, just a little bit!

    Jun 28, 2008
    I go in spurts of exercising and then always fall off the wagon, but last spring a friend of mine and I started training for a 5K together and that made ALL the difference in the world. We both need to exercise and both have tendencies to want to skip, but we help keep each other honest and have been exercising together since March at least 2-4 times a week ever since. After the 5K (running) we both agreed that walking would be better for our joints etc. I have to say that I miss the chatting with her when we have to skip a work out and that helps make me want to work out even more. Plus the chatting distracts me from the fact that we are even walking! (until we get to the hills and stairs) I always notice those! :giggle
  14. Angie4b1g

    Angie4b1g A hundred jobs but Bob Villa ain't one

    Feb 25, 2011
    I don't know that I necessarily enjoy it WHILE I'm doing it, but I like how it makes me feel after. Days I don't exercise, I feel sluggish and tired and crabby, so that motivates me to do it, too. Mostly, I have a bunch of running friends who peer pressure me into showing up. :giggle
  15. jenn mccabe

    jenn mccabe She's OUR sunshine!

    Jan 5, 2013
    yes! ran today. so proud of myself. (treadmill is working - in my post above, i thought it wasn't). it has been too too long of sitting on my hump. what did it? shopping yesterday for an outfit for the holidays. not happy with how anything fit! i ate no junk food yesterday. and am going to keep a food log and water intake log.

    i also bought a cheapo kettle bell set and it came with a dvd. just want to see if it is something i like before investing any money in a better dvd, etc. but husband is away and the dvd player downstairs doesn't seem to set up correctly. i'll give that a go tomorrow when he is home and can take a look at it.

    adrenaline is flowing! :yesss
  16. karen perry

    karen perry LOCK THE DOOR!

    Jan 23, 2008
    I'm not an exercise fan and keep healthy by eating a healthy diet but my friend has roped me into the gym in the new year wish me luck
  17. mimisgirl

    mimisgirl It's all about ME!

    Oct 27, 2012
    i LOVE running because it gives me however many minutes without little people pulling on me, don't get me wrong, I love them, but mommy needs a break. That being said, my Chiro told me this year that I should not be running because of my back condition. So, that leaves me without much motivation at all. Some days I run anyway because I need it, often I can get myself to exercise in other ways, but it is hard. (no gym here for me to enroll, sadly)
  18. amandac

    amandac Read, or Run? Hmmm ...

    May 25, 2010
    Don't ask me Anne, I have been struggling with the same thing myself ... the mind is willing until it actually comes to the part where I put down my book and get off the couch and thats where it all falls apart. I would like to be more motivated ... I might have to hypnotize myself :D

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