Pinterest Pet Peeve

Discussion in 'Chatty Pad' started by mrs2a50, Dec 23, 2011.

  1. mrs2a50

    mrs2a50 Pretty much the best.ever.

    Apr 12, 2007
    I've quickly become a pinterest junkie, but nothing irritates me more than the food pins with simply "YUMMMM!!" as the title. What the heck IS it?? Sometimes it's not obvious from the picture, and people need to put in the name of the recipe! :furious
  2. scrapsandsass

    scrapsandsass Oh Ricky you're so fine ...

    Feb 11, 2011

    I guess that is true. I never thought of that.

    I am probably one of those people who has done that on occasion. I will have to remember that for the future.

    I know I sometimes to forget to change what someone else has written, and people have been confused about the included comment. So many pins... so little time.
  3. crazygirl

    crazygirl Opening a post office

    Dec 8, 2007
    i'm right there with you sister.
    i haaaaaaate that.

    if i see something that interests me i click on the link, change the description and pin it to my board for my fellow pinners.
  4. lmccandless

    lmccandless The Force is strong with this one. Boss of the Applesauce

    Mar 9, 2009
    As much as I love the inspiration of Pinterest and try to keep in mind that it is free, the 502 errors and site weirdness annoy me. My number of pins, followers, following, etc hasn't updated in months. And sometimes my pins just disappear! WTH? Taking away the @tagyourfriend feature made me sad too. *le sigh* OK, totally realize there are bigger problems in the world!
  5. Cristina

    Cristina Handmade with love, actually

    Jul 20, 2009
    I'm with ya! But I have to say my biggest pet peeve with Pinterest is incorrect linking. I hate it when people link to the blog homepage instead of the correct blog post!
  6. RebeccaH

    RebeccaH Life is exciting, yes it is!

    Jul 12, 2009
    ya, sometimes i forget to change the description when i repin.

    and laura, i've had several of my pins disappear too. :(
  7. mrs2a50

    mrs2a50 Pretty much the best.ever.

    Apr 12, 2007
    Disappearing pins would really **** me off! So far, I don't think I've had any, but I'm not sure I would notice!

    So, I'm curious. What do you guys DO with the pins? I'm just having fun looking and pinning right now but at some point, do you guys do anything with them?
  8. RebeccaH

    RebeccaH Life is exciting, yes it is!

    Jul 12, 2009
    julie, i have lifted several of the layouts for inspiration. that has been super helpful to me as a go-to source for inspiration. but that's where i started noticing disappearing pins. i KNOW i pinned a certain layout, and have even lifted it already, but when i went back to find it, it wasn't there anymore.

    other than that, i've tried a few of the deserts i've pinned - christmas cookies and suc. i've made a button-covered monogram project i've pinned, and i have used it for some sewing inspiration. i would love to say that my Home Style board was getting more action, but i'm not sure my house will EVER be transformed into such amazing spaces!
  9. Lynnette

    Lynnette In my life, I've loved them all

    Sep 28, 2011
    ^THIS! This drives me nuts, then I have to go searching for the correct post and sometimes it's near impossible. Or when the link just loops back to the pin on pinterest! Grrr...

    I have actually done quite a bit of the stuff I have pinned... well maybe not in comparison to how many things I have pinned, but it really does inspire thing I do in my everyday life... lots of recipes, projects for the kids, stuff for my home, etc. That said I don't think you should feel any pressure to "do" anything you pin, a lot of the stuff I pin is just cuz it makes me happy to look at :)
  10. mrs2a50

    mrs2a50 Pretty much the best.ever.

    Apr 12, 2007
    So, for the recipes, do you print those out? Or just go back and link up to what you want to make? All of my pins so far have been things I actually think I would do, not just things I think look cool.

    And I should qualify my original pet peeve - most of the ones I've had issues with have been original pins, not repins. I totally get not remembering to rename a repin.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011
  11. Dana

    Dana Dana

    Mar 17, 2009
    i do a little bit of everything when i pin - things i think are cool and might inspire me in the future (especially my home folders), LOs to lift, recipes (last night's dinner was something i had pinned, lots and lots of kid craft ideas, etc.

    and i admit that i just repine w/out renaming all.the.time ... i'm lazy!
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011
  12. GrahamLiketheCracker

    GrahamLiketheCracker Little Egg

    Mar 30, 2010
    This bothers me too. :bannedI ALWAYS put the title in my description and when I use the pin it tool for my blog posts I put the title in as well. I am far to "detail oriented" to do it any other way. lol:rollingpin
  13. groenhop

    groenhop Takes advice from 3 year olds.

    Oct 29, 2010
    I have a bad habit of pinning and forgetting to change the comment.. so I'm sure I have done that.

    I can't stand when they are linked back to a pinterest page.. seriously no. help. at. all.

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