TV Game Shows | Pad Patter - 5/12

Discussion in 'Chatty Pad' started by jk703, May 12, 2022.

  1. jk703

    jk703 CEO of Anything and Everything, Everywhere

    Sep 17, 2012
    I was watching Wheel of Fortune recently.... and realized that they don't have too many game shows like they used to when I was a kid. There were shows on every night, I feel like for hours! I always wanted to be on Wheel of Fortune... and the joke is that I would with a partner, but since my hearing is bad, I'd be loud sharing the letters we would call. :giggle Can you picture it? CAN I HAVE AN "L" PLEASE???

    Do you have game shows you loved?
    Or ones on TV now?

    I loved Press You Luck, and still love catching The Price is Right! Wheel of Fortune is my fav though, probably cause it's word based. I do occasionally like to see Family Feud as well.

    Remember Hollywood Squares? American Gladiators, lol!? or The Match Game, lol!?

    The ones out now, don't really do it for me. It's more catch a few episodes and then move onto something else. A lot are physical, or reality like... not my thing.

  2. HavaDrPepper

    HavaDrPepper Space. The final frontier

    Dec 27, 2015
    My mom and I loved Supermarket Sweep back in the early 90's. We always planned out the items we wanted for the Big Sweep even knowing that we'd never go on it!

    I worked 2nd shift for a few years and Mom was retired. She'd have the TV on the game shows in the morning. She loved Bob Barker and The Price Is Right. I loved Press Your Luck.

    I tried to watch the Supermarket Sweep reboot and one episode was enough. As with all game shows, the show should be about all the contestants with the host being more in the background. Sad to say that the majority of the hosts on the new game shows that air now have a host that makes it all about them. That's why I didn't like Supermarket Sweep. So needless to say I don't watch them.

    One odd memory I have of watching a game show was with Wheel of Fortune. It was before Christmas and I was home by myself (Mom & Dad gone for some reason) so I was putting the Christmas tree up and had Wheel on in the background. A rather long puzzle came on and with only a few letters I said "The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat" and I was right... I just watched a clip on YouTube and a gal had over $62,000 and all but 3 letters showing and didn't know it. Bet she never watched ABC's Wide World of Sports!
    Cherylndesigns and jk703 like this.
  3. Memaw2Wm

    Memaw2Wm Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
    Not a fan of game shows, but I've seen them over the years ... Wheel of Fortune and The Price Is Right, The Match Game and Hollywood Square sound familiar.

    Rene ... I think it was Dennis the Menace that had an episode where he won a contest to spend "x" number of minutes in a store by being the "x" number customer through the door. Anyhow, the store owner put all the good/expensive stuff way high and the kid (Dennis???) just climbed up and got it all. It was great.
    bestcee and jk703 like this.
  4. Iowan

    Iowan Is this heaven? No, it's Iowa

    Jan 17, 2010
    I remember that episode and how Mr. Wilson (the mean neighbor) was so mad because Dennis cut in line in front of him. Sweet Dennis ended up getting the camera Mr. Wilson wanted anyway. Fun memory.
    Memaw2Wm likes this.
  5. dawnmarch

    dawnmarch Actually, no. You are not funny!

    Jan 10, 2015
    I rarely watch gameshows although I'll occasionally stop on Family Feud if I am flipping through. When my daughter was a baby, I watched The Price is Right every day while I fed her a bottle and put her down for a nap. And going WAY back, when my sister and I were kids, we loved Concentration and Beat the Clock.
    jk703 likes this.
  6. Cherylndesigns

    Cherylndesigns All glasses should be bigger than 1.5 oz

    Dec 15, 2017
    We used to watch Wheel of Fortune almost every night! My oldest DD always wanted to "play me" and she never won. We still laugh about it. We like Jeopardy, too - didn't get a ton of the "questions" but it was fun to see. We watched The Price is Right, too.

    Funny story about Wheel of Fortune. Back in the old days before you could press record on your remote, my whole family watched it. One night, my dad forgot what time it was and called his brother on the phone. My uncle told him he'd call him back when "The Wheel" was over. That became a family joke.:lol:lol
    jk703 likes this.
  7. gonewiththewind

    gonewiththewind I choose joy.

    Dec 15, 2009
    I watched quite a few game shows. I really don't like to play games, so that I watched any at all on TV is a miracle. LOL I think I watched The Price Is Right the most, but I also loved The Hollywood Squares and The Gong Show. Jeopardy! was watched intermittently along with Wheel of Fortune. In later years, I liked Survivor and Wipe Out.

    The Price Is Right
    Family Feud
    The Newlywed Game
    The Gong Show
    The Dating Game
    Wheel of Fortune
    The Hollywood Squares
    Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
    Name That Tune
    Wipe Out
    Sara likes this.
  8. bellbird

    bellbird Pollywog

    Oct 10, 2010
    A UK one we will sometimes watch is called Pointless - they did an aussie version a few years back but it was pretty rubbish in comparison. The idea is they have already asked like 100 people all their questions and tallied their answers and if they give you a question or category on the show, like 'movies directed by [name of specific director]', you don't want to pick the obvious answers, you don't want the ones everyone in that group of 100 could remember, you want the obscure ones that less people remembered because the more points you get, the worse you do each round and there's like a cash bonus if you answer correctly a movie they directed that no one else in their surveyed group recalled. That's the 'pointless answer' and the goal is to get zero or as close as possible each round. But it's much like when we watch (the US) Jeopardy, there are whole categories we are clueless about because they're regionally specific. DD is the one that loves shows like these the most and can remember random answers she hears and stash that away in her own memory.

    We also like 'Letters and Numbers' (which is a rubbish but accurate name of an aussie version of UK's Countdown show)- it's a word jumble / scrabble and maths game - a few of the maths teachers at the kids school will also use snippets of this as filler in classes. The contestants choose from a pile of big and small numbers (i think it's 10,25 , 50, 100) and (1 to 9) and they go up on a board like wheel of fortune and then there is a randomised total number that the contestants have to get to using any combo of+, -, x and divison and using all the numbers on the board in like 60 secs - i suck at it but the kids and DH usually manage or get close and i like that the kids like it but so much prefer the Letters rounds myself, they have no aspirations to be on the show though b/cos the prize is pretty much a big dictionary lol.
    Last edited: May 12, 2022
  9. amien1

    amien1 I do enjoy a good exclamation point!

    Dec 14, 2015
    I used to love watching price is right when I was home sick or something from school or during breaks as a kid! I haven't watched it in years!

    We often will watch a little bit of family feud every night before bed- usually we'll turn it on after we've watched something on our DVR or netflix list as a way to laugh before bed. It's SO funny and totally NOT Family appropriate! lol!
  10. bcgal00

    bcgal00 Say, "birdseed!"

    Nov 18, 2010
    When I was younger I watched The Price is Right, Wheel of Fortune, Card Sharks and $10,000 Pyramid. These days I don't watch any on a regular basis, just if the channel happens to be on one and then I might watch it.
  11. Nemla

    Nemla Stretching my skill set

    Apr 24, 2013
    The Chase,and sometimes the tipping point. And a few years back the million pound Drop. And 1 versus 100 . All general knowledge British game shows.
    The Danish TV made a music show/contest where known music industry people voted for amateur singers. I loved that.
    We both liked Name that tune (American) ,and The Cube... (British version.)
  12. dotcomkari

    dotcomkari The Deaf Superstar

    May 24, 2012
    I use to watch the price is right and love connection with my grandma as a kid

    Also love family feud ...I'm good at that game

    As a very young kid I dreamed on being on Double dare on nickolden

    Recently watched the chaser at a friend's.. I love useless trivia
  13. Karen

    Karen Wiggle it, just a little bit!

    Jun 28, 2008
    I love Wheel of Fortune... but from the comfort of my own home. I'm pretty good at guessing them at home, but if I were there I would totally let the anxiety get to me and would ask for Q like every time it was my turn for sure and then miss the most obvious words. I'd be that person that was made fun of online for getting the easiest ones wrong. :giggle

    I also loved The Price Is Right and that that would have been the coolest thing in the world to get called down from the crowd. I loved watching how excited people would get when their name was called.
  14. Scrapping with Liz

    Scrapping with Liz Crafts for days.

    Dec 19, 2015
    The Price is Right was probably my fave and the one I remember the most.

    When we went to my grandparents' house we always had to watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy.

    Currently, I watch old episodes of the Amazing Race when I can't run outside and have to run on the treadmill.
  15. Vrielinkie

    Vrielinkie Rub-a-Dub-Dub

    Nov 26, 2013
    Does Taskmaster count? I :beat the British version with Greg Davies, so funny!

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