Broken Bones | Pad Patter 5.9

Discussion in 'Chatty Pad' started by weaselwatchr, May 9, 2022.

  1. weaselwatchr

    weaselwatchr Viva, Las Vegas!

    Apr 13, 2013
    About three months ago, yes three months, hubby slipped outside and fell off the back stoop. He thought he sprained ankle. He did not go to the doctor.

    Today he went to his primary care for his annual exam. His ankle still was bothering him. The doc took x-rays. His fall had actually broken his leg. The break set in a weird way and there is calcification around it. Now he is being referred to an orthpedist. His primary care physician thinks that there is a 50/50 chance they may have to break it again. He finds out Monday.

    My husband has in his lifetime, broken both his wrists, toe, leg, and collar bone (a horse fell on him).

    The only thing I have ever broken was one of my toes when I fell off a step stool trying to rearrange my craft room. It hurt but not to badly. Then I need to close the ironing board, and I flipped the board over and kicked it a bit to close it since it was stuck. Big mistake. I think that was what did the trick. I closed the board but was in so much pain.

    Today's question, have you ever broken anything? Did it happen in a strange way?
  2. Pachimac

    Pachimac Give me all the cliché Christmas movies

    Apr 12, 2016
    That sounds really painful!! No, I have never broken a bone yet and I pray I never do!
    weaselwatchr likes this.
  3. Nemla

    Nemla Stretching my skill set

    Apr 24, 2013
    Yes I broke a toe.trying on a pair of cropped jeans in a changing room at a store. Getting my toe stuck in the hem and losing my balance,so I yanked upwards,and fell at the same time.
    I did not buy the jeans lol
    weaselwatchr likes this.
  4. HavaDrPepper

    HavaDrPepper Space. The final frontier

    Dec 27, 2015
    Besides broken toes that just get taped to the next one to heal?

    About 6 weeks before my 40th birthday I decided to put on some rollerblades (which were popular in 1995) and practice on my driveway. The dog across the street was out so I went across the street to see Bo. Coming back to my house I got the roller blade on grass instead of cement or blacktop road and went down. I "broke" the fall with my left hand. It hurt all night and was still hurting the next morning so I stopped at my doctor's office on my way to work. Told the clerk what happened and she said they'd try to get me in (this was before urgent care). They had x-rays on site so took one and turns out I had a hairline fracture in my wrist. No cast needed but my wrist was stabilized and wrapped in an ace bandage. I had called work to tell them I'd be late and ended up being about 90 minutes late getting there. I did work in an office doing accounting and thankfully I'm right handed so I could still write but the typing... I was back to hunt and peck. I had 2 more x-rays and had a check up scheduled for Oct 4th (my birthday). I was released that day as the fracture had healed. Best birthday present ever!

    During those 6 weeks I was on a 4 day trip with my parents and a friend joined us to go to Dad's Navy Reunion. June had to help me wash my hair because I couldn't get the wrappings wet. Mom had helped me at home.

    I never put the roller blades on again. Only broken bone in my life. Sprains and torn cartilage... that's another story!
    weaselwatchr likes this.
  5. EHStudios

    EHStudios I am more clever than I think

    Oct 29, 2010
    Broke my big toe as a kid from jumping off something high, and broke my thumb as a preteen when an old open train window slammed down on it. I don’t remember the first but vividly remember the second.

    but that’s all!
    weaselwatchr likes this.
  6. yellowpeep

    yellowpeep Spaaaarrrrrkkkleeeee

    Jan 14, 2012
    Broke my ankle five times before I was 15. Broke my toe on a door and fractured by elbow a few years ago, ice skating.
    weaselwatchr likes this.
  7. michelepixels

    michelepixels A pun is not fully matured until it is full groan.

    Jan 2, 2015
    Knocking on wood and hoping I'm not jinxing myself by typing this . . . I have never broken a bone. I'm trying to be careful and continue this habit. My mom almost managed to never break a bone . . . until she took a misstep sometime in her 60's. My kids have also managed to make it through childhood with only one broken toe (my daughter kicked a piece of furniture while dancing when she was a preteen). My husband hasn't broken anything either.
    weaselwatchr likes this.
  8. gonewiththewind

    gonewiththewind I choose joy.

    Dec 15, 2009
    I fell while holding Daniel and did a weird twist to try to save him from getting hurt. I was told that I had a severe sprain. Fast forward a few weeks and it was still bothering me and gee, I had a chip fracture. I was placed in a boot to give me some comfort as I had weeks of healing in front of me, along with PT to strengthen the ankle.
    weaselwatchr likes this.
  9. weaselwatchr

    weaselwatchr Viva, Las Vegas!

    Apr 13, 2013
    Oh no! That sounds awful. And yet something I see happening to me
  10. littlekiwi

    littlekiwi I charge by the hour for anything before noon

    Jan 21, 2012
    No broken bones but at the age of 9 I had ankle surgery as I have weakness in my feet.With that surgery my left ankle has pins, screws and a nice variety of scars on it.
  11. StefanieS

    StefanieS Think it over, think it under

    Jan 2, 2014
    I broke a toe last year. The middle one no less on the corner of the door. It wasn't even that painful.
    But swelled up and turned blue almost immediately.
    I walk around barefoot most of the time.
  12. ArmyGrl

    ArmyGrl Merlot, Cab, Chard, Reisling - all 4 food groups!

    Sep 1, 2012
    Bart hopes for no fractures falling off the skateboard.
    Karen likes this.
  13. Karen

    Karen Wiggle it, just a little bit!

    Jun 28, 2008
    Sadly I have broken a couple of bones. Lol. I was a clutzy kid. I broke my collarbone twice and also tripped (was actually tripped by a jerk of a boy in the hallway at school) and I broke my wrist in a BUNCH of places all at once. All of them of course on my right side making writing difficult at school.

    I can't believe your husband broke his leg and didn't know! OUCH! I can't even imagine how bad it would hurt to have to re-break a leg. Oh my gosh! But I guess you do what you need to do so it heals properly, right? Eek! Keep us posted.
  14. G.J.

    G.J. If I Could Turn Back Time

    Jan 1, 2019
    Kisses for Bart
  15. G.J.

    G.J. If I Could Turn Back Time

    Jan 1, 2019
    oh no my dear, so sorry, take care.

    Kisses for Bart
  16. sm_amber

    sm_amber I learn from the best..

    Oct 11, 2010
    I hadn't broken any bones until 5-6 years ago. We were having a nerf war with the boys, and I jumped off the couch and broke two metatarsals in my left foot, requiring a metal plate and screws to align them correctly. Then last year, I broke a different metatarsal in that same foot by missing the last step going down a concrete stairway at work. You'd think as someone in my mid-thirties who doesn't do sports or other activities I'd be immune to such things, but apparently, I just waited until I was an adult to do stupid things to injure myself.. :giggle
  17. cfile

    cfile My bags are packed for Platform 9 3/4

    Sep 2, 2011
    I hope your husband will be ok.. broken leg/foot is no joke.

    I broke my right ring finger when I was 12.

    After just turning 60 in September, I fell while running in November, and I fractured my right humerus (arm bone that connects to the collar bone). It was the day before Thanksgiving. I am so glad I went to the ER that day instead of waiting with the Holiday being the next day. Thank goodness I did not need surgery, but I was able to begin Physical Therapy in January and doing my PT at home in addition to the 8 PT visits I went to, I am almost back to full capacity except I cannot bear a lot of weight picking things up. I still (since the end of December) daily do stretches and exercises that I got in PT besides others, 5 days a week to keep my arm flexible with range of motion. I am now working with 2 & 5 pound dumbbells to regain strength as in addition to the broken humerus, I had also torn a lot of the bicep muscle. I still have a lot of aches especially with bad weather, but I am so glad things are so much better and continue on to do so on a daily basis.
  18. cfile

    cfile My bags are packed for Platform 9 3/4

    Sep 2, 2011
    oh my goodness Amber.. glad you are ok now. Stay safe.

    I think when we get older we need bubble wrap!
  19. cfile

    cfile My bags are packed for Platform 9 3/4

    Sep 2, 2011
    Bart wants everyone to feel better!
    michelepixels likes this.
  20. sm_amber

    sm_amber I learn from the best..

    Oct 11, 2010
    Thanks Bart!! :bk :frog
    cfile likes this.

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