just a cold or Covid? | Pad Patter 7.19.21

Discussion in 'Chatty Pad' started by FarrahJobling, Jul 19, 2021.

  1. FarrahJobling

    FarrahJobling FarrahJobling

    Dec 17, 2012
    I have a cold, but for a few hours yesterday, I made myself paranoid thinking that it was Covid. LOL....Once upon a time...a cold was just a cold...but now, every sniffle, cough or sneeze is suspect. This is the first cold I've had since 2019....and it's not even bad, but of course my mind went *there*. Has anyone had a non-Covid cold in the past year+?
  2. Karen

    Karen Wiggle it, just a little bit!

    Jun 28, 2008
    My hubby had a couple colds last year and because of the covid paranoia, he ended up going to get tested so that he could go to work. Up until June, we had to take a health quiz every morning in order to be allowed into our work buildings and he didn't want to be coughing at work without being able to say he already had a negative test.

    I hope your cold goes away soon!
  3. Ferdy

    Ferdy Heavy Metal Head Banger

    Oct 21, 2009
    I've been there too! and as I'm alergic, my paranoia is constant, yesterday I was feeling sick and thought I had the Delta covid....!! But my work doesn't asks for a test (remember, I live in Brazil and that explains a LOT), and the only time I had a PCR was last year, because I knew that what I was feeling wasn't a "normal" cold...and it was a positive indeed! I only had my first dose of vaccine and I'm still afraid...
    get well soon, Farrah!!
  4. littlekiwi

    littlekiwi I charge by the hour for anything before noon

    Jan 21, 2012
    I generally get a cold when the seasons change but luckily not this year yet. For me it tends to hit my chest pretty hard as I have asthma that’s worse in Winter so as long as I stay on top of my asthma I usually come out in ok shape
  5. cfile

    cfile My bags are packed for Platform 9 3/4

    Sep 2, 2011
    @FarrahJobling so glad it is only a cold.. do you have "Airborne" in the stores by you? When I get a cold or think one is coming on, I get that and take that morning and night.. it is bursts of vitamin C and usually helps quite a bit. Before the pandemic, if we were going on a plane a few days before our trip Hubby & I would take the Airborne to pop up our immune system. Feel better Farrah. It is scary these days to wonder.
  6. HavaDrPepper

    HavaDrPepper Space. The final frontier

    Dec 27, 2015
    I know a girl that thought she had a cold and when her husband also had a cold, they questioned it since he never gets colds. They were both tested and positive (and were vaccinated in April).

    I do think that the social distancing and mask wearing cut down on a lot of colds and regular flu in the last year. But now with people not taking precautions as much IMO those will start being more prevalent.
    rach3975, Tree City and LynnG like this.
  7. Tree City

    Tree City Get a stepladder, I'm busy

    Sep 28, 2011
    With people not wearing masks (even if they're not vaccinated, sigh), covid and cold numbers are both increasing. (Other illnesses, too.) We are still in the midst of this pandemic, and with stagnating vaccination numbers, that isn't likely to change anytime soon.

    So if anyone is feeling off in any way, please isolate at home until you can get tested. When I was sure DD had covid, I was wrong: it was strep and a cold. (But not the flu...between the 3 tests, poor kid had 6 swabs that day: 2 for each disease! She said strep is still the worst test.) Then, a couple weeks later when I thought the antibiotics hadn't kicked the strep, tests showed it was covid. I can't imagine how horrible I'd have felt if we hadn't gotten her tested asap and she spread it to others simply because I thought I knew better. And I'm still thankful each and every day that her one vax dose helped stop it from spreading to DS.
  8. Memaw2Wm

    Memaw2Wm Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
    Knock on wood, but I can't remember the last time I had a cold. I do suffer from an allergy cough that's aggravated by the Lisinopril I take. One second I'm fine, then I breathe in dust or a floral scent, and I'm coughing my fool head off. Needless to say I've gotten a few "looks" from people when this happens in public. A few minutes later I'm fine again.
    FarrahJobling likes this.
  9. gonewiththewind

    gonewiththewind I choose joy.

    Dec 15, 2009
    I haven't had a cold/been sick with coughing/fever/malaise in a long time, I think early 2020 was the last time (which may have been COVID but there's no way for me to know for sure - things didn't blow up in our area until mid/late March). Things are so different now, so if I had symptoms, I would isolate until I could get tested to be sure that it wasn't COVID and/or to find out what was causing the symptoms. That's just me, though! I hope you are feeling better very soon!
    FarrahJobling likes this.
  10. FarrahJobling

    FarrahJobling FarrahJobling

    Dec 17, 2012
    I'm feeling much better...NO Covid...thankfully...just a plain old cold. LOL I have a tendency to ruminate on things and "borrow the jack"....so I self isolated and booked a test.
    Memaw2Wm and rach3975 like this.
  11. mrs2a50

    mrs2a50 Pretty much the best.ever.

    Apr 12, 2007
    I am definitely in the minority and would just assume it was a cold. But then again, even before COVID, I was not one to go to work or go out when I was sick. So if I started feeling badly, I would stay home until I felt better/fever was down. I wouldn't assume COVID or book a test unless I was feeling really bad.
    AJK and FarrahJobling like this.
  12. FarrahJobling

    FarrahJobling FarrahJobling

    Dec 17, 2012
    I have a lot of photo sessions this week...postponed 2 and just wanted to make sure. Plus, Nick started Drivers Ed and Claire isn't 12 yet and had a b-day party this afternoon. The one symptom that was most worrisome, was the loss of smell. I put some Eucalyptus in my diffuser and apparently it was VERY strong...I couldn't smell it until this morning.
    Memaw2Wm likes this.
  13. mrs2a50

    mrs2a50 Pretty much the best.ever.

    Apr 12, 2007
    Way different scenario :) given all that I probably would test. We just don't go out a whole lot, and I'm still working fully from home, so I can isolate much better than that
    Memaw2Wm, bestcee and FarrahJobling like this.
  14. Donitab

    Donitab If only the TV would yell back

    Feb 28, 2020
    I have a cold right now - or maybe it's allergies - we have had so much rain in the last few weeks that the weeds are outrageous! I guess I'll call my doctor tomorrow and see if I need to be tested. But, yeah, our lives have changed- at least for a bit!
  15. Donitab

    Donitab If only the TV would yell back

    Feb 28, 2020
    You might see if the doctor can give you something besides Lisinopril. When I was on that stuff, I was always getting bronchitis. Now I'm on Irbesarten and bronchitis episodes have all but disappeared.
  16. rach3975

    rach3975 Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2014
    We just had our first real illness in the house since Covid started. My 15 year old DS, who is fully vaccinated, had a runny nose, cough, and fever this weekend. Even though we knew it was unlikely to be covid, we got him tested ASAP just to be sure. He was negative, thankfully! Now that tests are so easy to get, I'd much rather get a test and go about my life than have to act as if I were positive and quarantine because we couldn't be 100% sure.
    FarrahJobling likes this.
  17. bcgal00

    bcgal00 Say, "birdseed!"

    Nov 18, 2010
    No COVID but a few times I started to wonder but its been seasonal allergies. We've both been vaccinated but my hubs goes into care homes/hospitals so is at a higher risk of being in contact with someone with COVID so it's always on our minds. Chances are we won't get as sick but it's still a worry b/c we don't know how sick we might get.

    Just this morning we saw on the news that a care home has a big outbreak as of yesterday and the manager of the care home had called my hubs last night to request him to come in today for servicing and didn't bother to tell him the facility has a major outbreak. He messaged and told the guy that he won't come in and the guy said sorry, he forgot to mention the outbreak. WTH??? If my hubs had gone in he would have had to stay out of all his other contracts b/c they ask if you have had any contact with COVID and they would prevent him from servicing any other facility.

    Some people's mentality just boggles my mind...ugh.
    bestcee and rach3975 like this.
  18. Memaw2Wm

    Memaw2Wm Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
    I'm on three different b/p meds as I can't take diuretics b/c they mess with my kidneys. I have weird reactions/side effects to drugs, so I'm willing to deal with the Lisinopril cough vs. changing meds and having a worst side effect. Although I will admit that I've thought about changing from Lisinopril this past year. :)
    Donitab likes this.
  19. Donitab

    Donitab If only the TV would yell back

    Feb 28, 2020
    Lucky me - negative Covid test - but I still feel rotten. Glad I tested though so I don’t have to worry about making others sick (deathly sick esp.)
    bestcee, rach3975 and Tree City like this.
  20. Tree City

    Tree City Get a stepladder, I'm busy

    Sep 28, 2011
    So I liked your post because I'm glad the covid test was negative, but I'm sorry you're still feeling so sick! The relief of knowing it isn't covid is huge though, isn't it?
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2021
    Donitab likes this.

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