You know seasons | Pad Patter 5 July

Discussion in 'Chatty Pad' started by bellbird, Jul 5, 2019.

  1. bellbird

    bellbird Pollywog

    Oct 10, 2010
    Being very aware that our seasons can be opposites here, for today's easy finish the sentence chatter, feel free to make it seasonally appropriate to wherever you are now
    "You know it's [Summer/Winter?], when ....." - feel free to make your own hashtags as well!

    for me, today I'm going with
    "You know it's Winter when... you have 2 pairs of socks plus slippers on and you're wondering if you could walk in 3 pairs or if that's just ridiculous"
    #ColdWeatherIsRelative #WhyDoPeopleGoToTheSnow
  2. Nemla

    Nemla Stretching my skill set

    Apr 24, 2013

    You know it is summer when you risk sunburn even at the bus stop.
    Ferdy likes this.
  3. bellbird

    bellbird Pollywog

    Oct 10, 2010
    :compcoffeeLOL #LoveIt (that's me in summer too, i get sunburnt hanging out the washing)
  4. StefanieS

    StefanieS Think it over, think it under

    Jan 2, 2014
    You make tea or coffee not because you're thirsty but just to warm you up.
    The cats actually want to sit on your lap.
    Hubby keeps putting the aircon to 24C to thaw.
    #HotTea #ColdHands #LapCats
    bellbird likes this.
  5. bellbird

    bellbird Pollywog

    Oct 10, 2010
    Agree 100% about the tea at the moment! We dont have any cats, but having the bird all fluffed up on my shoulder is almost like an extra layer of scarf!
  6. cinderella

    cinderella I was alone

    Oct 31, 2012
    Summer in Greece is beautiful, if you can spend all day at the beach. We are still "trapped" in the city, but at least we have an air condition.
    bellbird likes this.
  7. IntenseMagic

    IntenseMagic Some grannies cuss a lot. I'm some grannies.

    Feb 28, 2012
    For me, Summer means:
    I wonder how little I can wear without scaring the neighbors :giggle, I spend most days with a smile on my face, I get to go barefoot anytime I want, I don't have to dress in layers, I love Mondays again, I can leave the house anytime I want or not leave the house at all, everything is blooming and green and beautiful, no 5:00am alarm, I am a happier person many awesome things.
    #iamasummergirl #sweatdontbotherme #bringontheheat #daysbythepoolarethebestdays #bringthisteacheradrink #beachready #seastheday #myfeetlikefreedom #neverwantittoend #sunsoubunsout #everydayisnobraday
    bellbird likes this.
  8. Angela Toucan

    Angela Toucan I keep looking for THAT wardrobe

    Nov 6, 2017
    You know it's summer when you don't need the central heating on anymore.
    bellbird likes this.
  9. Jan

    Jan I'm sorry, I can't. I'm busy doing nothing!

    Aug 29, 2011
    You know it's summer when you see the visitors showing up in your little community for the festivals and holidays and camping! When the boaters are out on the river. When the huckleberries are ready to pick. When the white daisies are blooming EVERYWHERE!!
    bellbird likes this.
  10. sthomas51004

    sthomas51004 Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2012
    You know its summer when the air conditioner is on and I have on a tank and a sweat shirt and a blanket. Always cold...unless I go outside and then I am way to hot.
    bellbird likes this.
  11. gonewiththewind

    gonewiththewind I choose joy.

    Dec 15, 2009
    You know it's summer when you have on one thin gown and it's still too much clothing. #nakedandafraid (me naked, everyone else afraid)

    You know it's summer when you peel off a layer of skin just opening the car door. #didnotneedthatlayeranyway

    You know it's summer when you enjoy the green and flourishing back yard by watching it through the sliding glass doors so you can stay in the air conditioning. #glassisawondermaterial

    You know it's summer when you can stay up late and sleep in. #netflixbinges #craftingatnight #readingtilallhours

    You know it's summer when you can go swimming in your friends' pools. #toomuchupkeep #letsomeoneelsepayforthosechemicals
    Cherylndesigns and bellbird like this.
  12. bellbird

    bellbird Pollywog

    Oct 10, 2010
    :rollinI love your hash tags (& explanation of the first one! :rofl) & yeah those chemicals cost a heap #iknewyouwereclever
    gonewiththewind likes this.
  13. bellbird

    bellbird Pollywog

    Oct 10, 2010
    Sounds like your town population doubles over summer! I hope you like white daisies too!
    Jan likes this.
  14. Heidi Nicole

    Heidi Nicole Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2015
    You know it's summer when you sweat through your running clothes in the first mile and consider running in the bare minimum... in the country... where no one can see you! #summersweating #countryrunningaintforjudging
    bellbird likes this.
  15. Pachimac

    Pachimac Give me all the cliché Christmas movies

    Apr 12, 2016
    You know it's summer when...the steering wheel is too hot to touch.

    bellbird likes this.
  16. Pachimac

    Pachimac Give me all the cliché Christmas movies

    Apr 12, 2016
    You live in Greece? How wonderful! I went there in July of 2010. Oh my gosh - the heat was oppressive though! I couldn't believe how hot it was! We got up at 6 am to go to the Acropolis and it was already over 100 degrees! ( I think the bus said 38 celsius - which is about 100, right?)

    We also went to Crete and saw the Palace of Knossos - the cicadas were relentless, but at least that day there was a nice breeze!!
    cinderella likes this.
  17. cinderella

    cinderella I was alone

    Oct 31, 2012
    Acropolis is the most amazing place on Earth, and the worst place to visit in summer. So many people, and unbearable heat, providing that you're lucky enough to actually go there and no one is on strike!
    Sometimes I swear it's over 120 degrees, but the media "hide" it, so that people won't panic.
    Knossos is amazing too. They say that the Palace was the actual Minotaur's labyrinth. I was a teen when we visited Crete and I didn't appreciate such things then!
  18. Pachimac

    Pachimac Give me all the cliché Christmas movies

    Apr 12, 2016
    They were on strike. We arrived at the port, and by about 2 pm they were having protests in the streets. We saw the Olympic Stadium, and while we were there we saw them setting up for something that we now know was a protest. They also had one in front of the City Hall, I think? I was scared the entire time until we got back on the ship. I think it colored my view of the city...

    All I can say is that I dreamed of being at the Acropolis my entire life, but as we were driving up the hill, I SERIOUSLY ( and I mean serious conversations with myself! LOL ) considered staying in the bus.

    I had heard that as well. Also that when it was first discovered, the first archaeologist that put things back together got it wrong, and they are re assembling it how they believe it should have been. Had you heard anything about that?

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