Kit Organization | Pad Patter 03.18.23

Discussion in 'Chatty Pad' started by ArmyGrl, Mar 18, 2023.

  1. littlekiwi

    littlekiwi I charge by the hour for anything before noon

    Jan 21, 2012
    I totally missed the second part of your question @ArmyGrl

    In terms of fave layouts with retiring products I have a few:

    Using Mail Call: Elements & Mail Call Patterns & Backs by Allison Pennington (the alpha is also from a kit that is retiring by Allison)
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Using Takeaway Cup (Dressed Down) by Fiddle Dee Dee Designs (with a newer release by Rachel E.)
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2023
  2. HavaDrPepper

    HavaDrPepper Space. The final frontier

    Dec 27, 2015
    Yep, I've had kits that the add-on kit has the same names for both papers and elements as items in the full kit. I've renamed so many files...
  3. tjscraps

    tjscraps Tomorrow I'll do what I want to do

    May 20, 2010
    I organize completely different than anyone else that has replied lol

    I organize by THEME, and use my Finder (MacBook) tags to tag the store the designer sells at, instead of putting them in their own folders.

    So for example I have a folder for templates, where I split up the packs and file them by number of photos. I name them with “name of Template pack - designer name” and then 1,2,3,4 etc, so that I can credit them. Then when I am scrapping I go to the folder for that number of photo spots and pick one. I can search within each folder for a specific tag (i.e. TLP tag, which is also green), and then it’ll only show things I’ve tagged with that store or whatever tag.

    For kits, I have themes like spring, valentines, winter, outdoors, “bright, no theme”, “muted colours, no theme”, etc.

    I name my products “kit name - designer name” and put a “z-“ in front of the name when I’ve used it so it natively goes down to the bottom of the folder.

    All of this only takes 30 seconds at most when I’ve unzipped. I also make the preview the folder image so I can see it as an icon in Finder.

    I can add screenshots if anyone is interested, but that’s how I do it :)
    SeattleSheri and bestcee like this.
  4. bestcee

    bestcee In love with places I've never been to

    Dec 18, 2013
    I tag my templates this way, because I know designers styles, and sometimes I'm in the mood for a specific style. But my folders are still by designer.
    My tags are by photo spots: 1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7+. I find it easy to add a photo spot or fill a photo spot with a pocket card or something, so sorting them by 2's works for me.
    SeattleSheri and tjscraps like this.
  5. LivyBug

    LivyBug I should be considered yarned and dangerous.

    Jul 2, 2010
    1. I sort my product folders by designer. Before they're put into a designer folder, I keep them in a new product folder so they don't get lost. In ACDSee, I also tag by store, theme, product type (kit, template, etc.), holiday, etc....

    2. I like this layout a lot using retiring kit Deja Vu by Allison Pennington:


  6. ArmyGrl

    ArmyGrl Merlot, Cab, Chard, Reisling - all 4 food groups!

    Sep 1, 2012
    I have one of those too! Mine is super large though. CT duties always interfered with making a layout just to make a layout.
    amien1 likes this.
  7. ArmyGrl

    ArmyGrl Merlot, Cab, Chard, Reisling - all 4 food groups!

    Sep 1, 2012
    Same here!!!! Drives me batty to have to open multiple folders then toggle between them. If I'm using more than one kit, I'm most likely to have both of the kit folders open....or I've done a search for say "black flower."
  8. ArmyGrl

    ArmyGrl Merlot, Cab, Chard, Reisling - all 4 food groups!

    Sep 1, 2012
    Totally agree! And if possible, the color too - like flower, pink.
  9. Iowan

    Iowan Is this heaven? No, it's Iowa

    Jan 17, 2010
    I so totally agree with you about naming elements with adjectives and nouns. For example, if I want an anchor for a beach layout, I just type *anchor, and I will find a variety of anchors easily on my pc. I’m just not going to open up scores of beach kits to search for the target element so I won’t end up using an anchor when it is named beachkit01, etc.
  10. IntenseMagic

    IntenseMagic Some grannies cuss a lot. I'm some grannies.

    Feb 28, 2012
    I do exactly this :)
    It all lives on EHDs. Then on my computer I keep a monthly folder with subfolders by designer for current things I'm working on. At the end of the month, it all gets moved to the EHDs.

    And to the second part...
    I love this one using The Good Old Days by Soco and PRD
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  11. SeattleSheri

    SeattleSheri Movers, cleaners, great hair. I'm a socialite!

    May 1, 2010
    I'm on a Mac, so I tag product folders (vs. grouping similar products in folders). I include designer, store name, product type and sometimes theme. Admittedly, I don't scrap as many pages as some of you, so I probably have less products I'm dealing with. I add the product preview and tags at the same time. This method makes it easy for me to "filter" by whatever tags I've used and quickly find what I need without too much administration.
    tjscraps likes this.
  12. LoveItScrapIt

    LoveItScrapIt I'm a poet, and everyone knows it!

    Sep 7, 2014
    EXACTLY my thoughts, and I've had to move some designers multiple times as they move store to store.

    This is my way too, I do make folders for the journal cards within that kit folder and for the alpha since I like my coordinating things together. :)

    YES TO THIS! I tried Bridge twice and went through a TON of work for tagging and "keywords" etc....lost everything and tried again and that time I just found it didn't help me as much as it helps others.

    I might try this too, as of now, I don't do anything to a kit that marks it "retired" - I figure if I want to use it I will and I don't do store challenges any more with the intent to "get the prize" so it makes no difference to me if it's retired or not.

    Ladies if you use Windows, did you know that when you move things over and they are named the same ie. designer_kit_flower2 that when you get the pop up that you can let Windows do the work?? Using the "Compare Info" selection?!
    here's a test, I downloaded a photo and put it in a folder. I kept the same photo in my downloads and when I go to move it in I get the Windows "warning" pop-up
    NOW SELECT BOTH "check" boxes at the top!!! and HIT CONTINUE
    It will move it into the folder and add the (2) at the end. That way you will have both in your kit folder without all that renaming mess!!!!!

    LivyBug likes this.
  13. HavaDrPepper

    HavaDrPepper Space. The final frontier

    Dec 27, 2015
    Yeah, I know it adds the "2" at the end of the new file but I prefer to rename them. For some reason having papers that are named paper1 and paper1(2) bugs me to no end. I'll stick with the renaming but if designers were more aware of it when designing/naming their files, it wouldn't be a problem ;)

    I started the z- before retired kits a long time ago. I think at one time I was doing challenges at a store that you could only use current products and having the z- to note something was retired I knew not to look at it for the challenges. I know it wasn't an issue with this year's MOC but it was a requirement in the past to use only current product. If I did a layout just for the heck of it, then I knew what kits I couldn't use.

    As for Bridge, I've never been a tagger of individual items since I am a one kit scrapper. However, I have started using it for just previews. I have tagged the kit previews according to theme but the main reason I use it is that I have set it up to use the colored labels. For kits that have been used, I add a red label. For any template set that I have used, I add a yellow label. Then it is easy to hide those previews when I start scrapping and can choose a kit and template that hasn't been used because I've made it a goal to use everything I have ever bought! In my organization, I do copy all previews to a separate folder and that is the folder that Bridge looks at for tagging instead of pulling in everything.
    LoveItScrapIt likes this.
  14. BevG

    BevG If I can't remember it, it didn't happen

    Dec 26, 2015
    Yeah - but that is extra clicks for me.... you know if I am asking, might as well ask what I want - tee hee.
    LoveItScrapIt likes this.
  15. BevG

    BevG If I can't remember it, it didn't happen

    Dec 26, 2015
    Can I be like you when I grow up? I seem to be more a collector (or is that hoarder?) of kits as I find I often return to my favorites over and over. :duh:giggle
  16. HavaDrPepper

    HavaDrPepper Space. The final frontier

    Dec 27, 2015

    Do you know how many times I sit here nodding my head in agreement with something you have posted?

    I can say that I have really whittled down my unused kits. For instance, out of 473 previews in my TLP folder, I have used 340 of the kits. In my SWL template folder I have used 217 out of 372. Still a ways to go but the numbers used to be a lot higher because I too turned to my favorite kits over and over.
    BevG likes this.
  17. meganmecrazy

    meganmecrazy Caution: Randomly Breaks Out into Show tunes

    Jun 23, 2009
    YES!! 99% of the time this is how I search for something I'm looking for when scrapping so, yes, that would be amazing if all the pieces of a kit were named with what they actually are, and maybe even throw a theme name somewhere in the mix so that if I want something for a birthday or something I can easily find it.

    I just organize mine by folders STORE_DESIGNER_KIT NAME
    bestcee likes this.
  18. Mrsdudds

    Mrsdudds Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
    I used photoshop bridge to organise my kits. I have folders A - Z then organise by designers name inside those folders. I have also started adding keywords to elements so I can find elements, papers, kit preview easier.

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