
My Nightmare - Recurring Dream {Random Challenge}

My Nightmare - Recurring Dream {Random Challenge}
Cherylndesigns, Oct 18, 2021
I have the same recurring dream - different locations -I have night blindness and haven't been able to drive at night for several years. My recurring dream is: I'm out somewhere (I drove) and suddenly I realize it's getting dark and I panic because I can't drive in the dark! I always wake up right before I figure out how I'm going to drive home in the dark.

Little Butterfly Wings Fear of The Dark Digital Scrapbooking kit by Little Butterfly Wings (
Little Butterfly Wings Tropical Paradise: Element Packs | Digital Scrapbooking Elements - The Lilypad (
Little Butterfly Wings YOCIH: Element Packs | Digital Scrapbooking Elements - The Lilypad (
MrsPeel and trekmom like this.
    • Smwhite
      Great almost monochrome page... beautifully rendered! I love the perfectly placed pops of color! It's really crummy when you can't solve the puzzle of a dream! I hope you get to find out how it ends! You're so creative, I'm sure you'd figure an 'out of the box' solution!
    • Cherylndesigns
      @Smwhite Ohhhhh, thank you for your wonderful comments. It's just SO weird that I never find out how I get home. :heartlub:heartlub
    • trekmom
      Love the pops of color that really make your theme pop as well. Of course, you get home safely, Who would leave you out there in the wilds? Not me.
    • Cherylndesigns
      @trekmom LOL - apparently, I DO. I just don't know HOW. Someday, my recurring dream will reveal that. Thanks for the comments and the chuckle. :lol
    • MrsPeel
      ohhh my sister!!!!!!! first of all, apologies for the lateness in getting here..... I have been living the worse iMac where I had my scrapping program broke down and is dead.... but we ll talk at some point. This is awesome, in that wonderful way we have with scrapping that we can make amazing pieces out of nightmarish subjects!!!! I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to get through that dream, one of my worse nightmares is the fear of being blind (in general).... bit waking up before you work it out, I think it means you have a LOT of wonderful people around you who will get you out of wherever you get stuck !!!!!! Love the page (as usual with you!) the pieces from Valeria's are marvellous and the touch of color with those glasses makes it pop , wonderful take on the challenge!!!!!!
      Thank you so much for playing with us!!! [​IMG]
    • Cherylndesigns
      @MrsPeel Oh, MY LOVE!!! I'm SO sorry that your mac died!!! That's a REAL nightmare! You must be beside yourself! Yes, my greatest fear is going blind, too. I'm sure that all of us artists fear that SO much. I can't find it, but I have a meme of a famous female photographer, sitting on a piece of scaffolding hanging out over NYC. She has her HUGE large format camera and she says "that her biggest fear is being stricken blind and not being able to take pictures!" I actually have another recurring dream (well, I haven't had it for awhile, but I keep finding new rooms in my house. LOL Yes, LOVE, let's talk soon. Miss you SO much!!!:bk:bk:bk
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