Dr. Phil's 20/20?

Discussion in 'Fit Pad' started by StarryEyedDesigns, Apr 15, 2016.

  1. StarryEyedDesigns

    StarryEyedDesigns My goal, is to make a goal

    Dec 29, 2015
    Has anyone read Dr. Phil's 20/20 book? I am 130 pounds overweight, and I've seen quite a few people have good success with it. I just wanted to see if anyone here has any experience with it. Thanks!
  2. AnneofAlamo

    AnneofAlamo Slippers IN sunshine? Even better!

    Aug 30, 2009
    @StarryEyedDesigns Amy Lee, I was 280+pounds, and my thighs in permanent rash, my under belly (what I called it) I had to lift to powder. The rolls on my neck would get painful. I was having to shower and dry completely two to three times a day, due to the rashes from sweat. I would sweat so hard vacuuming my living room.
    When I got married 26 years ago, I weight 163 pounds. I had this thought I gotta get to 163 again. It was overwhelming!
    I just looked at the 20/20 plan and think 20 foods (especially the ones on his list) ONLY would make me binge and eat a whole chocolate cake (which I have done) in one sitting.
    Dieting is a lifestyle, something I have to do for LIFE, the rest of my LIFE. I can't be the lady who eats bread everyday, ice cream at will. I had to change!
    I kept the 197 weight for almost a year, then got lazy..let 20 pounds come on. Another year, then lose it...then it crept back to 247pounds! I had failed myself!!
    So back to what I know works for me. MOVING a lot. Right now, 30 minutes hard walk up a steep steep hill, and I am beginning to run parts down. I have to work up to a full hour of cardio, but can't yet. (stinking hurts! lol)
    I do a kinda Atkins, low carb on the beginning plan now. I make my own "bread" things. But eat often and drink a rock star a day (cause lack of carbs takes energy away).
    I lost 16 pounds in 3 weeks, and plan on getting back to the 197. I love how I feel there. I like to be under 200. It gives me confidence. the other 40 pounds? might just have to stay with me!
    So my babble is to encourage you, look at 10 pounds first. Walk 10 minutes away from your house and come back today, tomorrow and for a week. Then try 20 minutes.
    @amandac who is an encouragement to me, gave me this way cool meme:
    dagi, Dalis, Lindzee and 1 other person like this.
  3. carilyne

    carilyne It's only impossible if you think it is

    Dec 30, 2014
    Love your pics Anne. I need to do something like that this time. Last time I was done 75 pounds I couldn't see it (and had someone reminding me it wasn't enough).
    Amy Lee, I would say if 20/20 is limiting foods you can eat feelings of deprivation will creep in and it will be easier to sabotage. I am following somewhat -- working towards Low carb also www.dietdoctor.com is a good information source
    If you have family to cook for you'll have to decide if you can not eat what they do as far as carbs. So it's hard.
    It's so hard to know what to do but I can tell you I've been off sugar for a week which has been hard but has made a huge difference. It was my place to start and I'm kind of deciding as I go.
    AnneofAlamo likes this.
  4. StarryEyedDesigns

    StarryEyedDesigns My goal, is to make a goal

    Dec 29, 2015
    Thank you both for your replies :) Anne that's great about the weight loss! I'm still in the 1st chapter, but he says his foods are specifically picked because they won't cause constant hunger. They are "designed" to keep you fuller longer, and work almost as a time release. He claims his plan will keep you from wanting to binge. I am going to keep reading it. I haven't even looked at the list of foods he suggests yet. I honestly don't even eat that much. My problem is what I do eat is loaded with carbs and sugar. And because of my health issues I don't get nearly as active as I should. I really miss my early 20s. I weighed 115 pounds when I met my husband in 1998. I used to be so active.

    I also bought a tread climber, but I have Fibromyalgia, a torn meniscus in my left knee and arthritis in both knees, so that's coming along slowly. The first time I barely made it to 6 minutes. The 2nd time I made it to 8. I will definitely have to wean off the sugar. I don't drink coffee, and I only drink 1 can of soda a day to get some caffeine. However, I fully intend to start cutting down the soda until I cut it completely out. My kids drink too damn much soda too :( I plan to cut them off. They won't be happy...lol
  5. carilyne

    carilyne It's only impossible if you think it is

    Dec 30, 2014
    Hey don't feel bad about how long. My goal is 3 minutes when I start the treadmill. Then we'll see how that goes.
    As for food plan it what fits for you or feels good for you. Look at what everyone agrees are the worst foods for you and avoid those as you decide. I'll be cheering you on. And don't go to artificial sweeteners -- they are worse for you. So for me it's Iced tea right now But artificial sweeteners can be really hard on you and fool your body to think it's having sugar so you get some of the wrong responses
  6. StarryEyedDesigns

    StarryEyedDesigns My goal, is to make a goal

    Dec 29, 2015
    I never use artificial sweeteners or foods with them. I made the mistake of switching to diet soda after my 2nd kid. I am fairly sure that didn't help things. I stopped years ago though.
  7. carilyne

    carilyne It's only impossible if you think it is

    Dec 30, 2014
    I just quit six months ago and am feeling much better.
    Lindzee likes this.
  8. Lindzee

    Lindzee Aging gracefully

    Jul 17, 2013
    Amylee, you really just have to take the bull by the horns if you want to succeed. It's very hard. I have active rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia caused by damage from the first two, almost no inside lateral miniskus in my right knee from long ago basketball injuries and surgery. I'm still 30 lbs overweight but as long as it's moving down and not up I feel happy. I'm down twenty lbs this year. 3 yrs ago I was in a wheel chair. I can't run or kneel, but I can walk and do everything else.

    I do not believe in diets which say eat only a few things. You cannot eat only twenty foods for the rest of your life.... I tried that. There is no magic bullet.

    Baby steps have worked best for me. My hubby and I cut out any added salt a couple of years ago and started limiting processed foods - mostly due to salt added. This year I cut out sugar - we only eat natural unprocessed honey or maple syrup, but not much of those either. I actually now find most foods I eat outside home way too salty now, and finally, yes finally, I do not crave sweets because my blood sugar is stable.

    we stopped eating wheat not long ago. which really cuts the carbs. Potatoes and rice are fine but don't eat too much, and there are lots of other interesting grains to try, even for pasta. Every meal is a protein with at least two vegetables, fruit only in the morning. If we do a carb it's a smaller portion and not wheat based.

    We are walking to the mailbox at the end of the road each day - it's a start, baby steps, and I am finally back to work full time.

    Don't expect miracles over night - just keep going in the right direction and celebrate small victories.

    Increase your vitamin D and magnesium and it will help with the fibromyalgia emensely. So will losing weight, which was my biggest bonus.
  9. Lindzee

    Lindzee Aging gracefully

    Jul 17, 2013
    The best plan is if it says substitute, or artificial anywhere on the label or packaging - walk away.
  10. bestcee

    bestcee In love with places I've never been to

    Dec 18, 2013
    If you think it will work for you, you could try it out. The biggest thing I know about changing your diet is that most everybody who follows one will lose something. Why? Because I've never seen a diet that promotes weight loss and encourages all you can eat soda, candy, sugar, huge restaurant size portions, etc. Whether it's through the foods you are allowed, or the amount you are allowed, the majority of diet plans restrict your calories. One might say all you can eat leafy greens with no additional fat, salt, etc. There are so few calories in leafy greens, for example 1 cup of spinach is 7 calories, it would take just over 14 cups to get 100 calories. Really hard to overeat that.

    @AnneofAlamo So, not the specific brand of protein powder, but all of the ingredients in your bread are available at my local grocery store. And now I'm tempted to try it out, because while I have a different protein powder, all of the ingredients are in my cupboard right now. Is it the xanthum gum you have to source?
    AllisonPennington likes this.
  11. AllisonPennington

    AllisonPennington Queen of the Realm

    Dec 7, 2010
    I - personally - would be my head against the wall if I was looking at limiting foods forever. (obviously, though, as with everything, if it makes sense to you that's all that matters)

    I started WW a few weeks ago and it's been blissful. There is literally nothing that I can't eat - I just have to make the decision if it's worth x amount of points. I know it doesn't work for everyone but knowing I have ___ points and having to track everything I eat or drink has quickly shifted my mindset. I'm paying attention to what I eat because I have to and I feel more in control. Also - I'm eating significantly MORE than I was previously. (I have a habit of waiting all day to eat, until I'm starving, and then just eating whatever is in front of me)

    There were a few things that I was upset about missing the first couple days because I wasn't willing to spend the points but I've already found substitutes for all of those things. For example, I love peanut butter but a tiny amount of peanut butter = lots of points. I found PB2 (powdered peanut butter) and OMG it's so good. You add water and POOF. The chocolate peanut butter is delicious and 2 TB = 1 smartpoint (versus 6 smartpoints for regular peanut butter)

    Anyways, I have yet to use all my points in a day or have to swap my activity points for extra food. I know alot of people roll their eyes about WW for whatever reason but I think everyone has to find a way to eat better that makes sense to them. And like Courtney said - there's nothing to lose by trying it. (except maybe weight :)) I think whatever you try you've got to go all in. xoxoxo
    enjoyyourpix likes this.
  12. Dalis

    Dalis Jose Cuervo is NOT a good friend

    May 6, 2011

    ALSO if it says FREE as in FAT FREE, SUGAR FREE, .... the only good FREE are our blog hop's goodies.
    klee73010, Lindzee and enjoyyourpix like this.
  13. Dalis

    Dalis Jose Cuervo is NOT a good friend

    May 6, 2011
    I have to go back to eating better, I fell out of the darn bandwagon! My coach always says weight loss is 90% diet related. Make better choices in food.
  14. klee73010

    klee73010 I might have a thing for drummers

    Apr 25, 2015
    you cannot outrun your fork.... it is the best and worst "quote" i have heard. I hate hate hate hate trying to be healthy with my food, because there is soooooo much yummy in the world. But also, i hate running and running and running for nothing.

    I can't speak to Dr. Phil's method, but I know what does work for me is less food, more movement. I tend to do all these bad habits that have been mentioned - skipping meals and then bingeing, substituting healthy for processed. I am L.A.Z.Y. when it comes to food prep... I hate the idea of a "healthy meal" taking me an hour to prep.
    But on the other hand... we had cauli-rice + homemade Pico de gallo + black beans + corn + shredded chicken tacos for dinner last night... YUM! I call that healthy, when the majority of my plate was veggies like that. And it was gooooooood!

    It's a matter of changing your mind, and deciding which choice you're going to make. and it's a decision that has to be made multiple times per day even. A true test of dedication/will power is our health, for those of us that struggle with this!

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