What do people make of the new iPhones?

Discussion in 'Chatty Pad' started by Meredith78, Sep 14, 2017.

  1. Meredith78

    Meredith78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2017
    I figure there are probably a few iPhone uses here...what do you think about the new iPhone X? The camera options, particularly the improvements around selfies and lighting more generally, intrigue me...but I’m not sure I can fork out $1900 (AUD) for a phone. Then again, a good DSLR would be comparable in price!

    Is anyone considering the iPhone X?
  2. IntenseMagic

    IntenseMagic Some grannies cuss a lot. I'm some grannies.

    Feb 28, 2012
    I had the 6+ and was hoping to hold out for this new one, but it died on me about 3 or 4 months ago so I went ahead and got the 7+. I was afraid I'd be really sad when it came out and I saw all the new features, but while they're pretty cool, I'm not that upset. I'm good with what I've got...especially with that price tag, no thanks.
    LoveItScrapIt likes this.
  3. cfile

    cfile My bags are packed for Platform 9 3/4

    Sep 2, 2011
    no thanks :) I have a 5S now.. I am behind the times but mine works so I am sticking with it until it doesn't. I use my phone for calling, texting, picture taking and checking my internet from time to time. For that my phone I currently have works fine. I am no longer a techno geek so I prefer simple. My brain has enough with what I currently have!

    I don't use apps much at all and I only adjust photos on my laptop so I am fine with what I have. $1000 or more is just crazy for the 10 and I don't like this facial recognition and fingerprint stuff. I think it is too invasive now. They say it is convenience but there is an alteria movtive I think.. I keep a sticker over my camera unless I am facetiming. I don't trust the tech :)
  4. Tree City

    Tree City Get a stepladder, I'm busy

    Sep 28, 2011
    DH has been wanting an iPhone and our contract is up in about 6 months, so I admit I thought about buying iPhones for us instead of an Android, even though I love Android. I figured that, like computers, phone prices would go down.

    I was wrong. I'd much rather have my new Canon 80D and a Samsung Galaxy than spend more than $2,000USD on two iPhones. (And what about families with kids old enough for phones? That's a $4,000+ price tag on 4 phones every two years! Cuz let's face it: prices seem to be going up, not down, so what will the next iPhone cost? $1500 for the base model?) Facial rec is known to have security risks and can be more easily "hackable" than a good ol' PIN...so IMHO, I'd be paying more for a phone with features I wouldn't use. Doesn't seem worth it. (I mean, yes: I'd use the phone's camera, but I don't think it's as good as my fancy DSLR. Heck, I'm still not convinced it's as good as a nice P&S, but I could be wrong since I haven't seen side-by-side comparisons.)

    Maybe I'll feel differently when the kids are older and I don't worry as much about my phone getting dropped or spilled on or misplaced.
  5. jenn mccabe

    jenn mccabe She's OUR sunshine!

    Jan 5, 2013
    The prices are getting ridiculous. I can't even get past the price to look closely at everything. I have the 7+ and will use that thing until it dies.
    And it makes me fume when I hear the new theater at Apple park has $14,000 seats. Well we know who's paying for those seats!
    Tree City likes this.
  6. Sokee

    Sokee What we do in life echoes in eternity

    Dec 14, 2012
    I had a i6+ and WAS going to stick with that and just like Jan @IntenseMagic all of a sudden it quit working. I ended up upgrading to the 7 just for the Portrait mode. They did give us $$ for turning in my 6+ phone. BUT I myself, normally and in the future, would not upgrade until I had too. I cringe as it is, paying my cell phone bill! For someone that remembers/pays bills before cell phone and cable, it is a horrible thing the amount of money that goes towards these.
    I have my iPhone as it allows me to FaceTime my daughter who lives 1300 miles away from me. And text all my other children as it allows me to 'stay in touch'.....................
  7. Sokee

    Sokee What we do in life echoes in eternity

    Dec 14, 2012
    How much is it for you to get a iPhone 7?
  8. jk703

    jk703 CEO of Anything and Everything, Everywhere

    Sep 17, 2012
    While it looks nice, shiny and has matched some of the Android options that I liked... plus an awesome camera... this girl will wait for the price to go down! I do love my iPhones, and we as a family use them... but I don't think I could pay $999. I'll wait a bit. Now.. if the 17" MacBook Pro came back... I might jump on that bandwagon!
    KatrinaHunt13 likes this.
  9. gracielou

    gracielou Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2009
    what camera feature upgrades does it have over the 7? I have the 6+ and due for an upgrade but the camera features are the only thing I care about.
  10. jk703

    jk703 CEO of Anything and Everything, Everywhere

    Sep 17, 2012
    gracielou likes this.
  11. Karen

    Karen Wiggle it, just a little bit!

    Jun 28, 2008
    Ok... I'm one that is considering getting the X, but ONLY because I cracked my screen in May on my 6+ and it randomly likes to quit working with no notice and won't even turn back on until I click the glass pieces back together. :| I am really hoping that Verizon will have a deal and will give me cash back for my phone, but I'm thinking it'll be reduced because of my cracked screen. sigh. but I am one to use my phone daily and constantly and will only replace it when i have to. I also have been thinking that maybe I should just replace the screen on my phone, but that is several hundred dollars and the battery isn't lasting very long anymore either. ugh.

    I want to point out too that the newest Galaxy Note is $930 too... so it's not just Apple going crazy with the price tags (I said that to make myself feel better about even considering the X). sigh. :giggle

    I am excited about the wireless charging though! :)
    LoveItScrapIt and jk703 like this.
  12. Tree City

    Tree City Get a stepladder, I'm busy

    Sep 28, 2011
    @Karen what, it's $930?! *groan* I haven't even looked at Samsung prices cuz I didn't think they'd be that high. Silly me!
    Karen likes this.
  13. Karen

    Karen Wiggle it, just a little bit!

    Jun 28, 2008
    Well to be fair, I haven't researched this either but I read it in an article about the new iPhone this morning, so if it's on the internet it must be true. right?
  14. cookingmylife

    cookingmylife Pizza would be my last meal, except ...

    Aug 1, 2012
    Well, I usually get the previous model when the newest iPhone is released. Right now the iPhone 8/X has nothing that tempts me. I charge overnight so the wireless charging is the only thing that might tempt me in travel but not much.

    I have the 6 and will go for the 7 and probably the smaller one. I don't watch movies etc on mine and like the fact that the smaller size fits both my hand and my pockets. My daughter gets my hand me down phones and is free on our family plan with Sprint so she'd be going from a 4 to a 6.

    (Sounds like the way my dress sizes crept up over time...)
  15. jenn mccabe

    jenn mccabe She's OUR sunshine!

    Jan 5, 2013
    OK that does make me feel a teeny tiny bit better. But the prices ... come on! Ugh!
    Tree City and Karen like this.
  16. Karen

    Karen Wiggle it, just a little bit!

    Jun 28, 2008
    Right? Ugh is the only thing to say.

    I just updated our budget too. My husband just got new tires for his truck that cost more than a new iPhone... but he used the extra buffer money that I was planning on using for a new phone. :cry
  17. jenn mccabe

    jenn mccabe She's OUR sunshine!

    Jan 5, 2013
    that really stinks. truck/big SUV tires cost SO much. it does make you want to cry! I'm sorry!
  18. Rikki

    Rikki Next I'm going to look up naughty limericks

    Jul 17, 2015
    No way am I going to pay that sort of money. That is crazy! I am having a 4S (I know!!!) and will use it until it falls apart.
  19. bestcee

    bestcee In love with places I've never been to

    Dec 18, 2013
  20. dailydwelling

    dailydwelling Confidently cooking and creating

    Apr 6, 2012
    My husband and I both have the iPhone 6 and are due for an upgrade. I think we're going to pre-order the 8. I'm trying to decide if I want to go for the 8+ because I would love the portrait mode for photos, but I'm not sure about the bigger size. It will be the first time we're pre-ordering. I'm hesitant about the X because of the price and I'm just not sure about the facial recognition (yet). I want to make sure all bugs and/or kinks are worked out before I take that step.
    Meredith78 likes this.

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